Meteorology and celestial phenomena
Meteorology and celestial phenomena
Bibliography InformationNave, Orville J. "Entry for 'Meteorology and celestial phenomena'". "Nave's Topical Bible".. 1896.
- General scriptures concerning
Genesis 2:5 Genesis 2:6 ; 27:39 ; Job 9:7 ; Job 26:7 Job 26:8 Job 26:11 ; Job 27:20 Job 27:21 ; 28:24-27 ; 29:19 ; 36:27-33 ; 37:6-22 ; Job 38:8-11 Job 38:22 Job 38:24-29 Job 38:31-35 Job 38:37 ; Psalms 18:8-15 ; 19:2-6 ; 29:3-10 ; 65:8-12 ; Psalms 104:2 Psalms 104:3 Psalms 104:7 Psalms 104:13 Psalms 104:19 Psalms 104:20 ; Psalms 147:7 Psalms 147:8 ; Psalms 148:7 Psalms 148:8 ; Proverbs 25:23 ; 26:1 ; 30:4 ; Ecclesiastes 1:6 Ecclesiastes 1:7 ; 11:3 ; Isaiah 5:5 Isaiah 5:6 ; 13:13 ; 24:18 ; 50:3 ; Jeremiah 4:11 Jeremiah 4:12 ; 10:13 ; 51:16 ; Daniel 2:21 ; Hosea 6:4 ; 8:7 ; 13:15 ; Joel 2:30 Joel 2:31 ; Amos 9:6 ; Nahum 1:3 ; Matthew 8:24-27 ; Matthew 16:2 Matthew 16:3 ; Matthew 24:27 Matthew 24:29 ; 27:45 ; Luke 8:24 Luke 8:25 ; 12:54-56 ; 21:25 ; Luke 23:44 Luke 23:45 ; John 3:8 ; Acts 2:19 Acts 2:20 ; James 5:17 James 5:18 ; 2 Peter 2:17 ; Jude 1:12 ; Revelation 6:12-14 ; 7:1 ; Revelation 8:5 Revelation 8:7 Revelation 8:10 Revelation 8:12 ; Revelation 9:1 Revelation 9:2 ; 11:6 ; 16:21 - PHENOMENA OF
- The deluge
Genesis 7:8 - Fire from heaven upon the cities of the plain
Genesis 19:24 Genesis 19:25 - Plagues of hail, and thunder, and lightning in Egypt
Exodus 9:22-29 ; Psalms 78:17-23 - The plague of darkness
Exodus 10:22 Exodus 10:23 - The east wind that divided the Red Sea
Exodus 14:21 - That brought the quails
Numbers 11:31 Numbers 11:32 ; Psalms 78:26-28 - Pillar of cloud and fire
- Sun stood still
Joshua 10:12 Joshua 10:13 - Dew on Gideons fleece
Judges 6:36-40 - Stars in their courses fought against Sisera
Judges 5:20 - Stones from heaven
Joshua 10:11 - Fire from heaven at Elijahs command
2 Kings 1:10-14 - The whirlwind which carried Elijah to heaven
2 Kings 2:1 2 Kings 2:11 - The wind under Gods control
Psalms 107:25 - The east wind
Psalms 48:7 - Rain, The formation of
Psalms 135:6 Psalms 135:7 - Dew, copious
Psalms 133:3 - Rain in answer to Samuels prayer
1 Samuel 12:16-18 - Elijahs prayer
1 Kings 18:41-45 - Rain confuses the Philistine army
1 Samuel 7:10 - Wind destroyed Jobs children
Job 1:18 Job 1:19 - Darkness at the crucifixion
Matthew 27:45 ; Luke 23:44 Luke 23:45 - The autumnal weather on the Mediterranean
Acts 27:9-14 Acts 27:20 - See ASTRONOMY
- See DEW
- See HAIL
- See RAIN
- The deluge
- Used in the Revelation of John
Revelation 6:12-14 ; 7:1 ; 8:3-12 ; Revelation 9:1 Revelation 9:2 Revelation 9:17-19 ; 10:1-6 ; 11:6 ; Revelation 12:1-4 Revelation 12:7-9 ; 14 ; 15:1-4 ; Revelation 16:8 Revelation 16:17-21 ; 19:11-18 ; 20:11 ; 21:1
- Used in the Revelation of John
Bibliography InformationNave, Orville J. "Entry for 'Meteorology and celestial phenomena'". "Nave's Topical Bible".