Gentiles [N] [B] [E] [S]
[N] indicates this entry was also found in Nave's Topical Bible
[B] indicates this entry was also found in Baker's Evangelical Dictionary
[E] indicates this entry was also found in Easton's Bible Dictionary
[S] indicates this entry was also found in Smith's Bible Dictionary
Bibliography InformationTorrey, R.A., Reverand. "Entry for 'Gentiles'". "The New Topical Text Book".. 1897.
- Comprehend all nations except the Jews
Romans 2:9 ; 3:9 ; 9:24 - CALLED
- Heathen
Psalms 2:1 ; Galatians 3:8
- Nations
Psalms 9:20 ; 22:28 ; Isaiah 9:1
- Uncircumcised
Isaiah 14:6 ; 52:1
- Uncircumcision
Romans 2:26
- Greeks
Romans 1:16 ; 10:12
- Strangers
Isaiah 14:1 ; 60:10
- Heathen
- Ruled by God
2 Chronicles 20:6 ; Psalms 47:8 - Chastised by God
Psalms 9:5 ; 94:10 - Counsel of, brought to nought
- Ignorant of God
Romans 1:21 ; 1 Thessalonians 4:5
- Refusing to know God
Romans 1:28
- Without the law
Romans 2:14
- Idolatrous
Romans 1:23 Romans 1:25 ; 1 Corinthians 12:2
- Superstitious
Deuteronomy 18:14
- Depraved and wicked
Romans 1:28-32 ; Ephesians 4:19
- Blasphemous and reproachful
Nehemiah 5:9
- Constant to their false Gods
Jeremiah 2:11
- Ignorant of God
- Hated and despised the Jews
Esther 9:1 Esther 9:5 ; Psalms 44:13 Psalms 44:14 ; 123:3 - Often ravaged and defiled the holy land and sanctuary
Psalms 79:1 ; Lamentations 1:10 - THE JEWS
- Not to follow the ways of
Leviticus 18:3 ; Jeremiah 10:2
- Not to intermarry with
Deuteronomy 7:3
- Permitted to have, as servants
Leviticus 25:44
- Despised, as if dogs
Matthew 15:26
- Never associated with
Acts 10:28 ; Acts 11:2 Acts 11:3
- Often corrupted by
2 Kings 17:7 2 Kings 17:8
- Dispersed amongst
John 7:35
- Not to follow the ways of
- Excluded from Israels privileges
Ephesians 2:11 Ephesians 2:12 - Not allowed to enter the temple
Acts 21:28 Acts 21:29 - Outer court of temple for
Ephesians 2:14 ; Revelation 11:2 - Given to Christ as His inheritance
Psalms 2:8 - Christ given as a light to
Isaiah 42:6 ; Luke 2:32 - Conversion of, predicted
Isaiah 2:2 ; 11:10 - United with the Jews against Christ
Acts 4:27 - The gospel not to be preached to, till preached to the Jews
Matthew 10:5 ; Luke 24:47 ; Acts 13:46 - First special introduction of the gospel to
Acts 10:34-45 ; 15:14 - First general introduction of the gospel to
Acts 13:48 Acts 13:49 Acts 13:52 ; 15:12 - Paul the apostle of
Acts 9:15 ; Galatians 2:7 Galatians 2:8 - Jerusalem trodden down by, &c
Luke 21:24 - Israel rejected till the fulness of
Romans 11:25
[N] indicates this entry was also found in Nave's Topical Bible
[B] indicates this entry was also found in Baker's Evangelical Dictionary
[E] indicates this entry was also found in Easton's Bible Dictionary
[S] indicates this entry was also found in Smith's Bible Dictionary
Bibliography InformationTorrey, R.A., Reverand. "Entry for 'Gentiles'". "The New Topical Text Book".