Judges 18:9

9 They answered, "Come on, let's go up against them, for we have seen the land, and it is very good. Why wait? Don't hesitate to go and invade and take possession of the land!

Judges 18:9 Meaning and Commentary

Judges 18:9

And they said, arise, that me may go up against them
That is, prepare for war, and go up in an hostile manner against the present possessors of the land, not doubting of being masters of it easily:

for we have seen the land, and, behold, it is very good.


F24 says it was very good pasture land, and fertile, abounding with fruits of all kinds; and the same is attested by Josephus F25:

and are ye still?
can ye sit still, and be easy, and not bestir yourselves to go up and possess so good a country, of which an easy conquest may be made? or, affirmatively, "ye are still or silent" F26; ye make no answer to what we say, and seem careless and indifferent about the matter; or by way of exhortation, "be silent", either that the people may remain in their quiet, easy, careless state, and lest, on hearing designs against them, should prepare for their defence; or, as Abarbinel, lest any of the other tribes of Israel should hear of it, and go take it before them:

be not slothful to go, and to enter to possess the land;
they suggest that there was scarce anything more to be done than to go and take possession, and that it would be altogether owing to their sloth and indolence if they did not.

F24 Ut supra. (Antiqu. l. 5. c. 3. sect. 1.)
F25 Ut supra. (Antiqu. l. 5. c. 3. sect. 1.)
F26 (Myvxm Mta) "vos autem desidetis", Tigurine version; "et vos quiescitis", Munster.

Judges 18:9 In-Context

7 The five men left and came to Laish. They saw that the people who were there were living securely, in the same way as the Sidonians, quiet and unsuspecting. There was nothing lacking in the land and no oppressive ruler. They were far from the Sidonians, having no alliance with anyone.
8 When the men went back to their clans at Zorah and Eshtaol, their people asked them, "What did you find out?"
9 They answered, "Come on, let's go up against them, for we have seen the land, and it is very good. Why wait? Don't hesitate to go and invade and take possession of the land!
10 When you get there, you will come to an unsuspecting people and a wide-open land, for God has handed it over to you. It is a place where nothing on earth is lacking."
11 Six hundred Danites departed from Zorah and Eshtaol armed with weapons of war.
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