Lamentations 3:55


55 I called on Your name, Yahweh, from the depths of the Pit.[a]

Lamentations 3:55 Meaning and Commentary

Lamentations 3:55

I called upon thy name, O Lord
As in times past, so in the present distress; when all hope was gone, and all help failed, still there was a God to go to, and call upon: out of the low dungeon;
or "dungeon of lownesses" F18; the lowest dungeon, the deepest distress, a man or people could be in; yet then and there it is not too late to call upon the Lord; and there may be hope of deliverance out of such an estate by him.


F18 (twytxt rwbm) "e cisterna infimitatum", Piscator.

Lamentations 3:55 In-Context

53 They dropped me alive into a pit and threw stones at me.
54 Water flooded over my head, and I thought: I'm going to die!
55 I called on Your name, Yahweh, from the depths of the Pit.
56 You hear my plea: Do not ignore my cry for relief.
57 You come near when I call on You; You say: "Do not be afraid."

Footnotes 1

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