那鴻書 1:9

9 尼 尼 微 人 哪 , 設 何 謀 攻 擊 耶 和 華 呢 ? 他 必 將 你 們 滅 絕 淨 盡 ; 災 難 不 再 興 起 。

那鴻書 1:9 Meaning and Commentary

Nahum 1:9

What do ye imagine against the Lord?
&c.] O ye Ninevites or Assyrians; do you think you can frustrate the designs of the Lord, resist his power, and hinder him from executing what he has threatened and has determined to do? or what mischief is it you devise against his people, which is the same as against himself? can you believe that you shall prosper and succeed, and your schemes be carried into execution, when he, the all wise and all powerful Being, opposes you? he will make an utter end;
of you, as before declared, and will save his people; which may be depended on will certainly be the case: affliction shall not rise up the second time;
either this should be the last effort the Assyrians would make upon the Jews, which they made under Sennacherib, and this the last time they would afflict them; or rather their own destruction should be so complete that there would be no need to repeat the stroke, or give another blow; the business would be done at once. This seems to contradict a notion of some historians and chronologers, who suppose that Nineveh was destroyed at two different times, and by different persons of the same nations; and so the whole Assyrian empire was twice ruined, which is not likely in itself, and seems contrary to this passage; for though some ascribe it to Arbaces the Mede, and Belesis the Babylonian as Diodorus Siculus {e}; and others to Cyaxares the Mede as Herodotus F6, and to Nebuchadnezzar the first, or Nabopolassar the Babylonian in a later period; so Tobit F7 says it was taken by Nebuchadnezzar and Ahasuerus, the same with the Cyaxares of Herodotus; yet all seem to agree that it was taken by the conjunct forces of the Medes and Babylonians; and there are some things similar F8 in all these accounts, which show that there was but one destruction of Nineveh, and of the Assyrian empire.


F5 Bibliothec. l. 2. p. 110, 111.
F6 L. 1. sive Clio, c. 106.
F7 Tobit 14:15.
F8 See the Universal History, vol. 4. c. 8. sect. 5. & vol. 5. p. 22. Margin, & Nicolai Abrami Pharus Vet. Test. l. 6. c. 19. p. 165.

那鴻書 1:9 In-Context

7 耶 和 華 本 為 善 , 在 患 難 的 日 子 為 人 的 保 障 , 並 且 認 得 那 些 投 靠 他 的 人 。
8 但 他 必 以 漲 溢 的 洪 水 淹 沒 尼 尼 微 , 又 驅 逐 仇 敵 進 入 黑 暗 。
9 尼 尼 微 人 哪 , 設 何 謀 攻 擊 耶 和 華 呢 ? 他 必 將 你 們 滅 絕 淨 盡 ; 災 難 不 再 興 起 。
10 你 們 像 叢 雜 的 荊 棘 , 像 喝 醉 了 的 人 , 又 如 枯 乾 的 碎 秸 全 然 燒 滅 。
11 有 一 人 從 你 那 裡 出 來 , 圖 謀 邪 惡 , 設 惡 計 攻 擊 耶 和 華 。
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