啟示錄 16:16

16 那 三 個 鬼 魔 便 叫 眾 王 聚 集 在 一 處 , 希 伯 來 話 叫 作 哈 米 吉 多 頓 。

啟示錄 16:16 Meaning and Commentary

Revelation 16:16

And he gathered them together
Or rather "they gathered them together", as the Syriac version renders it; for though the verb is singular, a noun plural goes before it, as in ( Revelation 16:14 ) and the same spirits that are there said to go forth, to gather the kings gether, these will gather them together; will persuade the Papal, Pagan, and Mahometan powers, the remains of them in the several parts of the world, to join together, and make one effort for the reviving of their declining, and almost ruined interests: for which purpose they will be brought together,

into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon;
which may be the same with Har-megiddo, the mountain of Megiddo; for the Hebrew word (rh) is read "Ar" by the Greeks; so the city Argarize is interpreted the mountain of the most High F4: and this refers either to the slaying of Josiah in the valley of Megiddo, which occasioned such mourning, that it became proverbial for any great sorrow; see ( 2 Chronicles 35:22 2 Chronicles 35:25 ) ( Zechariah 12:11 ) where it is called the valley of Megiddon; or rather to the slaughter of Sisera's army at the waters of Megiddo, by Barak, ( Judges 5:19 ) suggesting that the same would be the fate of these united powers. Some derive the word from (Nwhdg) and (amrx) , which signify "the destruction of their troops", or "armies"; and so designs not any place, that has been or is, but which will be so called from the issue of this battle; and since it is an Hebrew name that will be given it, it may lead us to conclude it will be somewhere in Judea, and very likely no other than the valley of Jehoshaphat, where all nations will be gathered; and which is called the valley of decision, where will be the day of the Lord, and multitudes will be slain, ( Joel 3:2 Joel 3:13 Joel 3:14 ) though the name will suit any place where there will be a defeat of these enemies; but this vial only brings them together; the utter destruction of them is reserved for the next.


F4 Euseb, Prepar. Evangel. l. 9. c. 17. p. 419.

啟示錄 16:16 In-Context

14 他 們 本 是 鬼 魔 的 靈 , 施 行 奇 事 , 出 去 到 普 天 下 眾 王 那 裡 , 叫 他 們 在 神 全 能 者 的 大 日 聚 集 爭 戰 。
15 ( 看 哪 , 我 來 像 賊 一 樣 。 那 儆 醒 、 看 守 衣 服 、 免 得 赤 身 而 行 、 叫 人 見 他 羞 恥 的 有 福 了 ! )
16 那 三 個 鬼 魔 便 叫 眾 王 聚 集 在 一 處 , 希 伯 來 話 叫 作 哈 米 吉 多 頓 。
17 第 七 位 天 使 把 碗 倒 在 空 中 , 就 有 大 聲 音 從 殿 中 的 寶 座 上 出 來 , 說 : 成 了 !
18 又 有 閃 電 、 聲 音 、 雷 轟 、 大 地 震 , 自 從 地 上 有 人 以 來 , 沒 有 這 樣 大 、 這 樣 利 害 的 地 震 。
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