撒母耳記上 13:18

18 一 隊 往 伯 和 崙 去 , 一 隊 往 洗 波 音 谷 對 面 的 地 境 向 曠 野 去 。

撒母耳記上 13:18 Meaning and Commentary

1 Samuel 13:18

And another company turned the way to Bethhoron
Of which name there were two cities, the upper and nether, and both in the tribe of Ephraim, of which see ( Joshua 16:3 Joshua 16:5 ) this lay northwest from the camp of the Philistines at Michmash; eight miles from it, according to Bunting F4:

and another company turned to the way of the border, that looketh
towards the valley of Zeboim, toward the wilderness;
some take this to be the Zeboim which was destroyed with Sodom and Gomorrah; and the wilderness, the wilderness of Jordan; but as that, so the valley in which it stood, was turned into a bituminous lake; this seems to be a city in the land of Benjamin, ( Nehemiah 11:34 ) near to which was a valley, and this towards the wilderness of Jericho, and so lay eastward; the Targum calls it the valley of vipers, perhaps from its being infested with many; and so David de Pomis F5 says it is the name of a place where plenty of serpents were found, and which he says were called so because of the variety of colours in them; with which agrees Kimchi's note on the place; they seem to mean serpents spotted F6, as if they were painted and dyed of various colours, as the Hebrew word which is thus paraphrased signifies: according to Bunting F7, it was eight miles from Michmash.


F4 Travels of the Patriarchs p. 133.
F5 Tzemach David, fol. 13. 2. & 153. 1.
F6 (aiolon ofin) , Homer. Iliad. 12. ver. 208. "notis maculosus grandibus", Virgil. Georgic. l. 3. v. 427.
F7 Ut supra. (Travels of the Patriarchs p. 133.)

撒母耳記上 13:18 In-Context

16 掃 羅 和 他 兒 子 約 拿 單 , 並 跟 隨 他 們 的 人 , 都 住 在 便 雅 憫 的 迦 巴 ; 但 非 利 士 人 安 營 在 密 抹 。
17 有 掠 兵 從 非 利 士 營 中 出 來 , 分 為 三 隊 : 一 隊 往 俄 弗 拉 向 書 亞 地 去 ,
18 一 隊 往 伯 和 崙 去 , 一 隊 往 洗 波 音 谷 對 面 的 地 境 向 曠 野 去 。
19 那 時 , 以 色 列 全 地 沒 有 一 個 鐵 匠 ; 因 為 非 利 士 人 說 , 恐 怕 希 伯 來 人 製 造 刀 槍 。
20 以 色 列 人 要 磨 鋤 、 犁 、 斧 、 鏟 , 就 下 到 非 利 士 人 那 裡 去 磨 。
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