以西結書 24:10

10 添 上 木 柴 , 使 火 著 旺 , 將 肉 煮 爛 , 把 湯 熬 濃 , 使 骨 頭 烤 焦 ;

以西結書 24:10 Meaning and Commentary

Ezekiel 24:10

Heap on wood, kindle the fire
This is said either to the prophet, to do this in an emblematic way; or to the Chaldean army, to prepare for the siege, encompass the city, begin their attacks, and throw in their stones out of their slings and engines, and arrows from their bows: consume the flesh;
not entirely, since it is afterwards to be spiced; but thoroughly boil it; denoting the severe sufferings the inhabitants should undergo before their utter ruin: spice it well;
pepper them off; batter their walls, beat down their houses, distress them by all manner of ways and means; signifying that this would be grateful to the Lord, as his justice would be glorified in the destruction of this people; and as the plunder of them would be like a spiced and sweet morsel to the enemy; whose appetites would hereby be sharpened and become keen, and to whom the sacking and plundering the city would be as agreeable as well seasoned meat to a hungry man: and let the bones be burnt;
either under it, or rather in it; even the strongest and most powerful among the people destroyed, who should hold out the longest in the siege. The Targum of the whole is,

``multiply kings; gather an army; order the auxiliaries, and prepare against her warriors, and let her mighty ones be confounded.''

以西結書 24:10 In-Context

8 這 城 中 所 流 的 血 倒 在 淨 光 的 磐 石 上 , 不 得 掩 蓋 , 乃 是 出 於 我 , 為 要 發 忿 怒 施 行 報 應 。
9 所 以 主 耶 和 華 如 此 說 : 禍 哉 ! 這 流 人 血 的 城 , 我 也 必 大 堆 火 柴 ,
10 添 上 木 柴 , 使 火 著 旺 , 將 肉 煮 爛 , 把 湯 熬 濃 , 使 骨 頭 烤 焦 ;
11 把 鍋 倒 空 坐 在 炭 火 上 , 使 鍋 燒 熱 , 使 銅 燒 紅 , 鎔 化 其 中 的 污 穢 , 除 淨 其 上 的 鏽 。
12 這 鍋 勞 碌 疲 乏 , 所 長 的 大 鏽 仍 未 除 掉 ; 這 鏽 就 是 用 火 也 不 能 除 掉 。
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