箴言 3:26

26 因 為 耶 和 華 是 你 所 倚 靠 的 ; 他 必 保 守 你 的 腳 不 陷 入 網 羅 。

箴言 3:26 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 3:26

For the Lord shall be thy confidence
The object of it, in whom thou shall put thy confidence, and be safe and secure from all fear and danger: or "the Lord shall be in thy confidence" F7; shall support thee in it, and maintain that, so that thou shalt not cast it away; the word used has sometimes the notion off oily in it, and Jarchi, from the Jerusalem Talmud, produces a sense agreeable to it;

``the Lord shall be in things in which thou art foolish;''
which, how absurd it may seem to be, will admit of a good interpretation; that the Lord will be with Wisdom's followers in things which may seem foolishness to the world; as Christ, the things of Christ, and the things of the Spirit of Christ, the Gospel, and the doctrines of it, are. The Targum is,
``the Lord shall be thine help,''
in all times of distress, difficulty, and danger; and shall keep thy foot from being taken;
in the snares of sin, temptation, and mischief; in those which Satan and the world lay for God's people; from these the Lord preserves them; wherefore happy are those that have an interest in Christ, who find and enjoy him.

F7 So Montanus, Vatablus, Michaelis.

箴言 3:26 In-Context

24 你 躺 下 , 必 不 懼 怕 ; 你 躺 臥 , 睡 得 香 甜 。
25 忽 然 來 的 驚 恐 , 不 要 害 怕 ; 惡 人 遭 毀 滅 , 也 不 要 恐 懼 。
26 因 為 耶 和 華 是 你 所 倚 靠 的 ; 他 必 保 守 你 的 腳 不 陷 入 網 羅 。
27 你 手 若 有 行 善 的 力 量 , 不 可 推 辭 , 就 當 向 那 應 得 的 人 施 行 。
28 你 那 裡 若 有 現 成 的 , 不 可 對 鄰 舍 說 : 去 罷 , 明 天 再 來 , 我 必 給 你 。
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