何西阿书 6:9

9 强 盗 成 群 , 怎 样 埋 伏 杀 人 , 祭 司 结 党 , 也 照 样 在 示 剑 的 路 上 杀 戮 , 行 了 邪 恶 。

何西阿书 6:9 Meaning and Commentary

Hosea 6:9

And as troops of robbers wait for a man
As a gang of highwaymen or footpads lie in wait in a ditch, or under a hedge, or in a cave of a rock or mountain, for a man they know will come by that way, who is full of money, in order to rob him; or, as Saadiah interprets it, as fishermen stand upon the banks of a river, and cast in their hooks to draw out the fish; and to the same purpose is Jarchi's note from R. Meir: [so] the company of priests murder in the way by consent;
not only encourage murderers, and commit murders within the city, but go out in a body together upon the highway, and there commit murders and robberies, and divide the spoil among them; all which they did unanimously, and were well agreed, being brethren in iniquity, as well as in office: or, "in the way of Shechem" F5; as good people passed by Gilead to Shechem, and so to Jerusalem, to worship there at the solemn feasts, they lay in wait for them, and murdered them; because they did not give into the idolatrous worship of the calves at Dan and Bethel: or, "in the manner of Shechem" F6; that is, they murdered men in a deceitful treacherous manner, as the Shechemites were murdered by Simeon and Levi: Joseph Kimchi interprets this of the princes and great men, so the word "cohanim" is sometimes used; but the context seems to carry it to the priests: for they commit lewdness;
or "enormity"; the most enormous crimes, and that purposely, with deliberation devising and contriving them.


F5 (hmkv) "Sichemam versus", Gussetius, Schmidt; approved by Reinbeck. De Accent. Heb. p. 442. "qua itur Sichem", Tigurine version; "qua via ad Shechemum [factum] occidunt", Junius & Tremellius; "quae ducit ad Sichermum", Piscator. So Abendana.
F6 "Sicemice", so some in Drusius.

何西阿书 6:9 In-Context

7 他 们 却 如 亚 当 背 约 , 在 境 内 向 我 行 事 诡 诈 。
8 基 列 是 作 孽 之 人 的 城 , 被 血 沾 染 。
9 强 盗 成 群 , 怎 样 埋 伏 杀 人 , 祭 司 结 党 , 也 照 样 在 示 剑 的 路 上 杀 戮 , 行 了 邪 恶 。
10 在 以 色 列 家 , 我 见 了 可 憎 的 事 ; 在 以 法 莲 那 里 有 淫 行 , 以 色 列 被 玷 污 。
11 犹 大 啊 , 我 使 被 掳 之 民 归 回 的 时 候 , 必 有 为 你 所 命 定 的 收 场 。
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