利未记 21:17

17 你 告 诉 亚 伦 说 : 你 世 世 代 代 的 後 裔 , 凡 有 残 疾 的 , 都 不 可 近 前 来 献 他   神 的 食 物 。

利未记 21:17 Meaning and Commentary

Leviticus 21:17

Speak unto Aaron, saying
Who being the high priest, it was incumbent on him, at least at this time, to see that the laws and rules relating to the priesthood were observed; and particularly to examine carefully who were and who were not to be admitted to serve in it:

whosoever [he be] of thy seed in their generations;
or, "a man of thy seed" F23, for this only respected his male seed, females of his seed had no concern in the following laws; but his sons, in all successive ages and generations, to the coming of the Messiah, had, whether high priests or common priests:

that hath [any] blemish;
in any part of his body, particularly such as are after mentioned:

let him not approach to offer the bread of his God;
neither go into the holy place, to set the shewbread in order there, nor to offer any sacrifice upon the altar; so Josephus F24 explains this law; that a priest should be perfect, and if he laboured under any defect, should not ascend the altar, nor enter into the temple: this was imitated by the Heathens: Romulus ordered that such as were weak and feeble in any part of the body should not be made priests F25: the Jewish priests were types of Christ, who is holy, harmless, without spot and blemish; and through whose blood and righteousness all who are made priests by him are unblamable, without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; and a Gospel minister, bishop, or pastor, ought to be unblemished in his life and conversation, ( Titus 1:6 Titus 1:7 ) ; and there are some who think that the blemishes of the mind and of the life are rather here meant than those of the body.


F23 (Kerzm vya) "vir de semine tuo", Pagninus, Montanus
F24 Antiqu. l. 3. c. 12. sect. 2.
F25 Pompon. Laet. de Sacerdot. c. 6. de Vestalibus.

利未记 21:17 In-Context

15 不 可 在 民 中 辱 没 他 的 儿 女 , 因 为 我 是 叫 他 成 圣 的 耶 和 华 。
16 耶 和 华 对 摩 西 说 :
17 你 告 诉 亚 伦 说 : 你 世 世 代 代 的 後 裔 , 凡 有 残 疾 的 , 都 不 可 近 前 来 献 他   神 的 食 物 。
18 因 为 凡 有 残 疾 的 , 无 论 是 瞎 眼 的 、 瘸 腿 的 、 塌 鼻 子 的 、 肢 体 有 馀 的 、
19 折 脚 折 手 的 、
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