启示录 1:1

1 耶 稣 基 督 的 启 示 , 就 是 神 赐 给 他 , 叫 他 将 必 要 快 成 的 事 指 示 他 的 众 仆 人 。 他 就 差 遣 使 者 晓 谕 他 的 仆 人 约 翰 。

启示录 1:1 Meaning and Commentary

Revelation 1:1

The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Either of which he is the author: for it was he that sent and showed it by his angel to John; it was he, the lion of the tribe of Judah, that took the book, and opened the seals of it, and which is a very considerable proof of his deity; since none but God could foreknow and foretell things to come, or declare the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet, as is done in this book: or of which he is the subject; for it treats much of his person, offices, and grace, and of Christ mystical, of the state of his church, in the several ages of time; or it is that revelation which was first made unto him, to which sense the following words incline:

which God gave unto him;
not to him as he is God, for as such he is omniscient, and foreknew whatever would come to pass, and needed no revelation to be made to him, but as he was man and Mediator; and this was given him by God the Father, and put into his hands, to make known as being a part of the administration of his prophetic office: the end of its being given him was,

to show unto his servant things which must shortly come to pass:
the Arabic version adds, "in future ages"; things that were to be hereafter, the accomplishment of which was necessary, because of the certain and unalterable decree of God, the good of his people, and his own glory; and these were to come to pass quickly, in a very little time; not that they would all be fulfilled in a short space of time, for there are some things not fulfilled yet, though it is nineteen hundred years ago and more, since this revelation was made; and we are sure there are some things that will not be accomplished till a thousand years hence, and more, for the millennium is not yet begun; and after that is ended, there is to be a second resurrection, and a destruction of the Gog and Magog army; but the sense is, that these things should very quickly begin to be fulfilled, and from thenceforward go on fulfilling till all were accomplished. Now to show, to represent these things, in a clear manner, as the nature of them would admit of, to the servants of Christ, all true believers, read and hear and diligently observe them, and especially to the ministers of the Gospel, whose business is to search into them, and point them out to and particularly to his servant John, was this revelation made by Christ, who immediately answered this end:

and he sent, and signified [it] by his angel unto servant John;
he who is the Lord of angels, and to whom they are ministering spirits, sometimes sent one angel and sometimes another; and by various emblems, signs, and visions, represented and set before John, a faithful servant, and a beloved disciple of his, the whole of this revelation.

启示录 1:1 In-Context

1 耶 稣 基 督 的 启 示 , 就 是 神 赐 给 他 , 叫 他 将 必 要 快 成 的 事 指 示 他 的 众 仆 人 。 他 就 差 遣 使 者 晓 谕 他 的 仆 人 约 翰 。
2 约 翰 便 将 神 的 道 和 耶 稣 基 督 的 见 证 , 凡 自 己 所 看 见 的 都 证 明 出 来 。
3 念 这 书 上 预 言 的 和 那 些 听 见 又 遵 守 其 中 所 记 载 的 , 都 是 有 福 的 , 因 为 日 期 近 了 。
4 约 翰 写 信 给 亚 西 亚 的 七 个 教 会 。 但 愿 从 那 昔 在 、 今 在 、 以 後 永 在 的 神 , 和 他 宝 座 前 的 七 灵 ,
5 并 那 诚 实 作 见 证 的 、 从 死 里 首 先 复 活 、 为 世 上 君 王 元 首 的 耶 稣 基 督 , 有 恩 惠 、 平 安 归 与 你 们 ! 他 爱 我 们 , 用 自 己 的 血 使 我 们 脱 离 ( 有 古 卷 作 : 洗 去 ) 罪 恶 ,
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