撒迦利亚书 6:13

13 他 要 建 造 耶 和 华 的 殿 , 并 担 负 尊 荣 , 坐 在 位 上 掌 王 权 ; 又 必 在 位 上 作 祭 司 , 使 两 职 之 间 筹 定 和 平 。

撒迦利亚书 6:13 Meaning and Commentary

Zechariah 6:13

Even he shall build the temple of the Lord
Which is repeated, as Kimchi observes, for confirmation sake: and he shall bear the glory;
that is, of building the temple; and the phrase denotes that the glory of it shall be upon him, shall be hung upon him, as in ( Isaiah 22:24 ) and so shall be visible; that it would be weighty and heavy, he having many crowns on his head, put there by all the saints, who everyone of them ascribe glory to him; that it would continue, and not pass away like the glory of this world; and that he, and he alone, should bear it; not Joshua, nor Zerubbabel, nor the ministers of the word, nor members of churches, nor any other, but himself; he, and he alone, shall be exalted: and shall sit and rule upon his throne;
in heaven, having done his work on earth, where he is at ease and rest, and exercises power and authority; he rules over the whole world, and the kings of it in general, and in particular over his saints, by his Spirit, word, and ordinates, feeding, protecting, and defending them: and he shall be a Prince upon his throne;
he is both Priest and King, and exercises both offices at one and the same time, and even now in heaven; having offered himself as a sacrifice on earth, by which he has put away sin for ever, and perfected his people; he is set down upon his throne, as a King crowned with glory and honour; and ever lives as a Priest the throne, to make intercession for them; by appearing in the presence of God for them; by presenting his blood, sacrifice, and righteousness, to his divine Father; by offering up the prayers and praises of his people; by declaring it as his will that such and such blessings be bestowed upon them; and by applying the benefits of his death unto them: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both;
not between Joshua and Zerubbabel, who should agree together, as they did, in the administration of government belonging to their distinct offices; rather between the priestly and kingly offices of Christ; nor the council of peace between the Father and the Son, concerning the salvation of the elect; for that was past in eternity; but better the Gospel of peace, called the whole counsel of God, which, in consequence of Christ being a Priest on his throne, was preached to both Jews and Gentiles; which brought the glad tidings of peace and salvation by Christ to both, and was the means of making peace between them both.

撒迦利亚书 6:13 In-Context

11 取 这 金 银 做 冠 冕 , 戴 在 约 撒 答 的 儿 子 大 祭 司 约 书 亚 的 头 上 ,
12 对 他 说 , 万 军 之 耶 和 华 如 此 说 : 看 哪 , 那 名 称 为 大 卫 苗 裔 的 , 他 要 在 本 处 长 起 来 , 并 要 建 造 耶 和 华 的 殿 。
13 他 要 建 造 耶 和 华 的 殿 , 并 担 负 尊 荣 , 坐 在 位 上 掌 王 权 ; 又 必 在 位 上 作 祭 司 , 使 两 职 之 间 筹 定 和 平 。
14 这 冠 冕 要 归 希 连 ( 就 是 黑 玳 ) 、 多 比 雅 、 耶 大 雅 , 和 西 番 雅 的 儿 子 贤 ( 就 是 约 西 亚 ) , 放 在 耶 和 华 的 殿 里 为 记 念 。
15 远 方 的 人 也 要 来 建 造 耶 和 华 的 殿 , 你 们 就 知 道 万 军 之 耶 和 华 差 遣 我 到 你 们 这 里 来 。 你 们 若 留 意 听 从 耶 和 华 ─ 你 们   神 的 话 , 这 事 必 然 成 就 。
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