申命记 22:9

9 不 可 把 两 样 种 子 种 在 你 的 葡 萄 园 里 , 免 得 你 撒 种 所 结 的 和 葡 萄 园 的 果 子 都 要 充 公 。

申命记 22:9 Meaning and Commentary

Deuteronomy 22:9

Thou shall not sow thy vineyards with divers seeds
As wheat and barley between the rows of the vines; and this is to be understood only of divers sorts of corn, and of divers sorts of herbs, but not of trees; hence we read of a fig tree in a vineyard, ( Luke 13:6 ) , and this only respects what is sown with design, and not what is casual, as the Jews interpret it F5;

``if a man passes through a vineyard, and seeds fall from him, or they are carried out along with dung, or with water; or when a man is sowing, and a storm of wind carries it behind him (i.e. to a vineyard behind him), it is lawful;''

that is, it may be let grow, and the fruit of it enjoyed; the same here is said of the vineyard as of the field in (See Gill on Leviticus 19:19);

lest the fruit of thy seed which thou hast sown, and the fruit of thy
vineyard; be defiled;
that is, lest not only the increase of these divers seeds sown, but also the increase of the vines among which they are sown, become unlawful, and unfit for use, and so a loss of all be sustained: the Targum of Jonathan is,

``lest it be condemned to burning;''

or thou art obliged to burn it; for, according to the Jewish canons {f}, the mixtures of a vineyard, or the divers seeds of it, and the increase thereof, were to be burnt; and the commentators of the Misnah

F7 frequently explain this phrase by "lest it be burnt".

F5 Misn. Celaim, c. 5. sect. 7.
F6 Misn. Temurah, c. 7. sect. 5.
F7 Maimon. & Bartenora in Misn. Terumot, c. 10. sect. 6. Orla, c. 3. sect. 7. Kiddushin, c. 2. sect. 9.

申命记 22:9 In-Context

7 总 要 放 母 , 只 可 取 雏 , 这 样 你 就 可 以 享 福 , 日 子 得 以 长 久 。
8 你 若 建 造 房 屋 , 要 在 房 上 的 四 围 安 栏 杆 , 免 得 有 人 从 房 上 掉 下 来 , 流 血 的 罪 就 归 於 你 家 。
9 不 可 把 两 样 种 子 种 在 你 的 葡 萄 园 里 , 免 得 你 撒 种 所 结 的 和 葡 萄 园 的 果 子 都 要 充 公 。
10 不 可 并 用 牛 、 驴 耕 地 。
11 不 可 穿 羊 毛 、 细 麻 两 样 搀 杂 料 做 的 衣 服 。
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