诗篇 68:4

4 你 们 当 向   神 唱 诗 , 歌 颂 他 的 名 ; 为 那 坐 车 行 过 旷 野 的 修 平 大 路 。 他 的 名 是 耶 和 华 , 要 在 他 面 前 欢 乐 !

诗篇 68:4 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 68:4

Sing unto God
Manifest in the flesh, risen from the dead, ascended on high, set down at the right hand of his divine Father; having exerted his great strength in their redemption; and therefore should sing the song of redeeming love, with grace and melody in their hearts, unto him;

sing praises to his name:
to the honour of his name Jesus, a Saviour, because of the great work of salvation wrought out by him; give him all the praise and glory of it, which due unto his name;

extol him that rideth upon heavens:
having ascended above them, and being higher than they, and so is exalted above all blessing and praise; and uses his power and greatness for the help of his people: see ( Deuteronomy 33:26 ) . Some choose to render the words, "prepare the way" F17, as John the Baptist is said to do before him, ( Isaiah 11:3 ) ; "for him that rideth through the deserts", or "fields" F18; as he did through the fields of Judea on an ass; and through the nations of the world, in the ministry of the word, carried thither by his apostles; whereby places, comparable to deserts for their barrenness and unfruitfulness, became like the garden of the Lord: or rather, "that rideth in the west"; it being at the west end of the tabernacle and temple, where the cherubim were, on which Jehovah rode, they being his chariot;

by his name JAH;
or Jehovah; which being a name incommunicable to creatures, and given to Christ, shows him to be the most High; a self-existent Being, the immutable and everlasting "I AM"; which is, and was, and is to come; from whom all creatures receive their being, and are continued in it; and who is also Jehovah our righteousness; and by, in, and because of this name, is he to be extolled and magnified;

and rejoice before him; (See Gill on Psalms 68:3).


F17 (wlo) "elevate viam lapidibus", Vatablus; "parata viam", Gejerus; "make an highway", Ainsworth.
F18 (twbdeb) "per deserta", Hieron. Theodoret. Bugenhagius, aliique in Michaelis; "in campestribus", Piscator, Cocceius; "in campis, vel per campos", Gussetius, p. 641. "in the deserts", Ainsworth.

诗篇 68:4 In-Context

2 他 们 被 驱 逐 , 如 烟 被 风 吹 散 ; 恶 人 见   神 之 面 而 消 灭 , 如 蜡 被 火 ? 化 。
3 惟 有 义 人 必 然 欢 喜 , 在   神 面 前 高 兴 快 乐 。
4 你 们 当 向   神 唱 诗 , 歌 颂 他 的 名 ; 为 那 坐 车 行 过 旷 野 的 修 平 大 路 。 他 的 名 是 耶 和 华 , 要 在 他 面 前 欢 乐 !
5   神 在 他 的 圣 所 作 孤 儿 的 父 , 作 寡 妇 的 伸 冤 者 。
6   神 叫 孤 独 的 有 家 , 使 被 囚 的 出 来 享 福 ; 惟 有 悖 逆 的 住 在 乾 燥 之 地 。

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