使徒行传 5:20

20 说 : 你 们 去 站 在 殿 里 , 把 这 生 命 的 道 都 讲 给 百 姓 听 。

使徒行传 5:20 Meaning and Commentary

Acts 5:20

Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people
They were not delivered out of prison, in order to go and secure themselves from danger; but to go about the work they were called to, to preach the Gospel "in the temple", the place of worship; and a proper place to meet with persons to preach to, being a public place, whither the Jews always resorted; and there they were to stand, and continue with courage and intrepidity, not fearing the reproach and wrath of men, seeing they had both Christ and truth on their side; and there declare it "to the people", the common people, the multitude, even all that came to hear: the Gospel is to be preached to all; the Spirit of God makes it effectual to some, and others are rendered inexcusable: the substance of what they were to speak follows,

all the words of this life;
all the doctrines of the Gospel; none of them are to be dropped or concealed, but to be spoken out, fully, freely, and faithfully, with all boldness and constancy; though they cannot be comprehended by reason, and are rejected by learned men, and the majority of the people; though charged with novelty and licentiousness, and attended with reproach and persecution: and these may be called, "the words of life", even of eternal life, as in ( John 6:68 ) because they show the nature of it, and point out the way unto it; not by the law, and obedience to that, but by Christ and his righteousness; and are the means of quickening dead sinners, of reviving drooping saints, and of nourishing them up unto eternal life: and also the words of "this" life; not of this present frail, mortal, and sinful life; but of life by Christ, which is begun to be enjoyed now, and will be perfectly enjoyed hereafter: and particularly the doctrine of the resurrection unto life may be intended; in opposition to the Sadducees, who denied it, and were the men that, being filled with indignation against them for preaching it, had seized them, and put them into prison; and being now delivered from prison, they are bid to go and preach this same doctrine again, in the most public manner: though some think there is an hypallage in the words; and so the Syriac version renders them, "all these words of life"; and the Ethiopic version, "this word of life"; meaning the Gospel, and the doctrines of it, they had in commission to preach, and for which they were reproached and persecuted.

使徒行传 5:20 In-Context

18 就 下 手 拿 住 使 徒 , 收 在 外 监 。
19 但 主 的 使 者 夜 间 开 了 监 门 , 领 他 们 出 来 ,
20 说 : 你 们 去 站 在 殿 里 , 把 这 生 命 的 道 都 讲 给 百 姓 听 。
21 使 徒 听 了 这 话 , 天 将 亮 的 时 候 就 进 殿 里 去 教 训 人 。 大 祭 司 和 他 的 同 人 来 了 , 叫 齐 公 会 的 人 , 和 以 色 列 族 的 众 长 老 , 就 差 人 到 监 里 去 , 要 把 使 徒 提 出 来 。
22 但 差 役 到 了 , 不 见 他 们 在 监 里 , 就 回 来 禀 报 说 :
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