耶利米书 17:10

10 我 ─ 耶 和 华 是 鉴 察 人 心 、 试 验 人 肺 腑 的 , 要 照 各 人 所 行 的 和 他 做 事 的 结 果 报 应 他 。

耶利米书 17:10 Meaning and Commentary

Jeremiah 17:10

I the Lord search the heart
The inward parts of it, every room and corner in it; and know the thoughts of it; all its intents, purposes, designs, contrivances, and imaginations; all the secret motions of it, and the wickedness that is in it; so that this is an answer to the question in the preceding verse; and therefore, though the heart is deceitful, it cannot deceive him, because he judges not according to outward appearance; he sees and knows the heart; and none but the Lord, or he who is Jehovah, can so search the heart as thus to know it; wherefore, since Christ is said to search the reins and the heart, and to know the thoughts of men, and to be a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, he must be Jehovah, and the true God, ( Revelation 2:23 ) ( Matthew 19:4 ) ( Hebrews 4:12 Hebrews 4:13 ) :

I try the reins;
the most inward and remote parts, covered with fat, and out of sight: these are the seat of the affections; and the Lord tries these, whether they are towards him or not; and whether sincere or hypocritical; Christ the omniscient God knew Peter's love to him, and the sincerity of it; for which he appeals to him as such, ( John 21:17 ) :

even to give every man accordions to his ways, and according to the
fruit of his doings;
to do which it is necessary to search the heart, and try the reins, the fountain of all actions; and in which the principles of them are, and according to which they are denominated and judged of: in the future judgment every secret thing will be brought into account; the counsels of the heart will be made manifest; the book of conscience will be opened; and out of it, as well as other books, men will be judged according to their ways and works; and therefore it is requisite that the Judge should be the Lord God omniscient, the searcher and trier of the hearts and reins, as Christ is.

耶利米书 17:10 In-Context

8 他 必 像 树 栽 於 水 旁 , 在 河 边 扎 根 , 炎 热 来 到 , 并 不 惧 怕 , 叶 子 仍 必 青 翠 , 在 乾 旱 之 年 毫 无 挂 虑 , 而 且 结 果 不 止 。
9 人 心 比 万 物 都 诡 诈 , 坏 到 极 处 , 谁 能 识 透 呢 ?
10 我 ─ 耶 和 华 是 鉴 察 人 心 、 试 验 人 肺 腑 的 , 要 照 各 人 所 行 的 和 他 做 事 的 结 果 报 应 他 。
11 那 不 按 正 道 得 财 的 , 好 像 鹧 鸪 ? 不 是 自 己 下 的 蛋 ; 到 了 中 年 , 那 财 都 必 离 开 他 , 他 终 久 成 为 愚 顽 人 。
12 我 们 的 圣 所 是 荣 耀 的 宝 座 , 从 太 初 安 置 在 高 处 。
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