以弗所书 2:4

4 然 而 , 神 既 有 丰 富 的 怜 悯 , 因 他 爱 我 们 的 大 爱 ,

以弗所书 2:4 Meaning and Commentary

Ephesians 2:4

But God, who is rich in mercy
Mercy is a perfection of the divine nature, and is essential to God; and may be considered with respect to the objects of it, either as general, extending to all men in a providential way; or as special, reaching only to some in a way of grace; for though mercy is his nature, yet the display and exertion of it towards any object, is the act of his will; and special mercy, with all the blessings and benefits of it, is only exhibited in Christ Jesus: and God is said to be "rich" in it, because he is free and liberal in dispensing it, and the effects of it; and that to a large number of persons, in great abundance and variety, by various ways, and in divers instances; as in the covenant of grace, in the mission of Christ, in redemption by him, in regeneration, in pardon of sin, and in eternal salvation; and yet it is inexhaustible and perpetual; and this sets forth the excellency and glory of it:

for his great love wherewith he loved us;
the love of God to his chosen people is very great, if it be considered who it is that has loved them, God and not man; who is an infinite, unchangeable, and sovereign Being; and his love is like himself, for God is love; it has heights and depths, and lengths and breadths immeasurable; it admits of no variation nor alteration; and is altogether free, arising from himself, and not from any motives and conditions in men: and if the persons themselves are considered, who are the objects of it, men, sinful men, unworthy of the divine notice and regard; and that these are loved personally, particularly, and distinctly, and not others; nakedly, and not theirs, or for any thing in them, or done by them, and that notwithstanding their manifold sins and transgressions: to which may be added, that this love is represented as a past act; and indeed it is from everlasting, and is antecedent to their being quickened, and was when they were dead in trespasses and sins; and is the source and spring of the blessing next mentioned: so the divine love is often called in the Cabalistic writings of the Jews F20, (hbr hbha) , "great love".


F20 Zohar in Gen. fol. 8. 4. & in Exod. fol. 102. 3. Lex. Cabal. p. 44. 45.

以弗所书 2:4 In-Context

2 那 时 , 你 们 在 其 中 行 事 为 人 , 随 从 今 世 的 风 俗 , 顺 服 空 中 掌 权 者 的 首 领 , 就 是 现 今 在 悖 逆 之 子 心 中 运 行 的 邪 灵 。
3 我 们 从 前 也 都 在 他 们 中 间 , 放 纵 肉 体 的 私 欲 , 随 着 肉 体 和 心 中 所 喜 好 的 去 行 , 本 为 可 怒 之 子 , 和 别 人 一 样 。
4 然 而 , 神 既 有 丰 富 的 怜 悯 , 因 他 爱 我 们 的 大 爱 ,
5 当 我 们 死 在 过 犯 中 的 时 候 , 便 叫 我 们 与 基 督 一 同 活 过 来 。 你 们 得 救 是 本 乎 恩 。
6 他 又 叫 我 们 与 基 督 耶 稣 一 同 复 活 , 一 同 坐 在 天 上 ,
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