以西结书 44:3

3 至 於 王 , 他 必 按 王 的 位 分 , 坐 在 其 内 , 在 耶 和 华 面 前 吃 饼 。 他 必 由 这 门 的 廊 而 入 , 也 必 由 此 而 出 。

以西结书 44:3 Meaning and Commentary

Ezekiel 44:3

It is for the prince: the prince shall sit in it to eat bread
before the Lord
Or, "as for the prince, the prince shall sit in it" F5; in the gate which is shut to others: not the high priest, as Jarchi, though he might have a particular seat in the temple, as Eli had in the tabernacle, ( 1 Samuel 1:9 ) , where he might eat the bread and flesh of holy things: nor the political prince, the king of Israel, though he might have a place in the temple peculiar to himself; see ( 2 Chronicles 6:12 2 Chronicles 6:13 ) ( 23:13 ) ( 2 Chronicles 24:31 ) , and the Jews say only the kings of the house of David were allowed to sit in the sanctuary: but the King Messiah, as Kimchi and Ben Melech rightly interpret it, is here meant; who before, in this prophecy, is called David a Prince, ( Ezekiel 34:24 ) ( 37:25 ) , he who is the Prince of peace; Michael the great Prince; the Prince of life, and the Prince of the kings of the earth; the Messiah the Prince. Such who interpret the gate of the gate of heaven understand this of Christ's sitting down there at his Father's right hand, on the same throne with him, having done his work, and being at ease, and in honour; and of his enjoyment of glory there, as the heavenly glory is sometimes signified by a feast, by sitting down at a table, and eating bread in the kingdom of God, ( Matthew 8:11 ) ( Luke 14:15 ) ( 22:30 ) , and so it may intend his being in the presence of God with the utmost delight and joy; having that glory he had with him before the world was, and all power in heaven and in earth; dispensing gifts and grace to men, and receiving honour and glory from them, and seeing the travail of his soul with satisfaction: but why may it not be understood, more consistent with the scope of the vision, of his sitting in his church, at his table there with his saints, eating with them, and they with him, in his word and ordinances before the Lord? see ( Song of Solomon 1:12 ) ( 4:16 ) ( 5:1 ) ( Revelation 3:20 ) , he shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate, and shall go out
by the way of the same;
which some explain of Christ's ascension to heaven, and descent from thence in the same way; he went up to heaven in the eastern part of the world, from the mount of Olives, to the east of Jerusalem; and in like manner shall he descend, and his feet shall stand on that mount, ( Acts 1:11 Acts 1:12 ) ( Zechariah 14:4 ) , but it may be interpreted of his going in and out of his church at his will and pleasure; and affording his gracious presence and fellowship with himself in his house and ordinances,


F5 (wb bvy awh ayvn ayvnh ta) "veruntamen ad principem quod attinet, princeps ipse inquam" Piscator; "quantum ad principem"; "princeps sedebit in ea", Noldius, Ebr. Part. Concord. p. 120.

以西结书 44:3 In-Context

1 他 又 带 我 回 到 圣 地 朝 东 的 外 门 ; 那 门 关 闭 了 。
2 耶 和 华 对 我 说 : 这 门 必 须 关 闭 , 不 可 敞 开 , 谁 也 不 可 由 其 中 进 入 ; 因 为 耶 和 华 ─ 以 色 列 的   神 已 经 由 其 中 进 入 , 所 以 必 须 关 闭 。
3 至 於 王 , 他 必 按 王 的 位 分 , 坐 在 其 内 , 在 耶 和 华 面 前 吃 饼 。 他 必 由 这 门 的 廊 而 入 , 也 必 由 此 而 出 。
4 他 又 带 我 由 北 门 来 到 殿 前 。 我 观 看 , 见 耶 和 华 的 荣 光 充 满 耶 和 华 的 殿 , 我 就 俯 伏 在 地 。
5 耶 和 华 对 我 说 : 人 子 啊 , 我 对 你 所 说 耶 和 华 殿 中 的 一 切 典 章 法 则 , 你 要 放 在 心 上 , 用 眼 看 , 用 耳 听 , 并 要 留 心 殿 宇 和 圣 地 一 切 出 入 之 处 。
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