Apostelgeschichte 1

1 Den ersten Bericht habe ich verfaßt, o Theophilus, von allem, was Jesus anfing, sowohl zu tun als auch zu lehren,
2 bis zu dem Tage, an welchem er aufgenommen wurde, nachdem er den Aposteln, die er sich auserwählt, durch den Heiligen Geist Befehl gegeben hatte;
3 welchen er sich auch nach seinem Leiden in vielen sicheren Kennzeichen lebendig dargestellt hat, indem er vierzig Tage hindurch von ihnen gesehen wurde und über die Dinge redete, welche das Reich Gottes betreffen.
4 Und als er mit ihnen versammelt war, befahl er ihnen, sich nicht von Jerusalem zu entfernen, sondern auf die Verheißung des Vaters zu warten, die ihr von mir gehört habt;
5 denn Johannes taufte zwar mit Wasser, ihr aber werdet mit Heiligem Geiste getauft werden nach nunmehr nicht vielen Tagen.
6 Sie nun, als sie zusammengekommen waren, fragten ihn und sagten: Herr, stellst du in dieser Zeit dem Israel das Reich wieder her?
7 Er sprach aber zu ihnen: Es ist nicht eure Sache, Zeiten oder Zeitpunkte zu wissen, die der Vater in seine eigene Gewalt gesetzt hat.
8 Aber ihr werdet Kraft empfangen, wenn der Heilige Geist auf euch gekommen ist; und ihr werdet meine Zeugen sein, sowohl in Jerusalem als auch in ganz Judäa und Samaria und bis an das Ende der Erde.
9 Und als er dies gesagt hatte, wurde er emporgehoben, indem sie es sahen, und eine Wolke nahm ihn auf von ihren Augen hinweg.
10 Und wie sie unverwandt gen Himmel schauten, als er auffuhr, siehe, da standen zwei Männer in weißem Kleide bei ihnen, welche auch sprachen:
11 Männer von Galiläa, was stehet ihr und sehet hinauf gen Himmel? Dieser Jesus, der von euch weg in den Himmel aufgenommen worden ist, wird also kommen, wie ihr ihn habt hingehen sehen in den Himmel.
12 Da kehrten sie nach Jerusalem zurück von dem Berge, welcher Ölberg heißt, der nahe bei Jerusalem ist, einen Sabbathweg entfernt.
13 Und als sie hineingekommen waren, stiegen sie auf den Obersaal, wo sie blieben: sowohl Petrus, als Johannes und Jakobus und Andreas, Philippus und Thomas, Bartholomäus und Matthäus, Jakobus, Alphäus' Sohn, und Simon, der Eiferer, und Judas, Jakobus' Bruder.
14 Diese alle verharrten einmütig im Gebet mit etlichen Weibern und Maria, der Mutter Jesu, und mit seinen Brüdern.
15 Und in diesen Tagen stand Petrus in der Mitte der Brüder auf und sprach (es war aber eine Menge von etwa hundertzwanzig beisammen):
16 Brüder, es mußte die Schrift erfüllt werden, welche der Heilige Geist durch den Mund Davids vorhergesagt hat über Judas, der denen, die Jesum griffen, ein Wegweiser geworden ist.
17 Denn er war unter uns gezählt und hatte das Los dieses Dienstes empfangen.
18 (Dieser nun hat zwar von dem Lohne der Ungerechtigkeit einen Acker erworben und ist, kopfüber gestürzt, mitten entzwei geborsten, und alle seine Eingeweide sind ausgeschüttet worden.
19 Und es ist allen Bewohnern von Jerusalem kundgeworden, so daß jener Acker in ihrer eigenen Mundart Akeldama, das ist Blutacker, genannt worden ist.)
20 Denn es steht im Buche der Psalmen geschrieben: "Seine Wohnung werde öde, und es sei niemand, der darin wohne", und: "Sein Aufseheramt empfange ein anderer".
21 Es muß nun von den Männern, die mit uns gegangen sind in all der Zeit, in welcher der Herr Jesus bei uns ein-und ausging,
22 anfangend von der Taufe Johannes' bis zu dem Tage, an welchem er von uns aufgenommen wurde, von diesen muß einer ein Zeuge seiner Auferstehung mit uns werden.
23 Und sie stellten zwei dar: Joseph, genannt Barsabas, der Justus zubenamt war, und Matthias.
24 Und sie beteten und sprachen: Du, Herr, Herzenskündiger aller, zeige von diesen beiden den einen an, den du auserwählt hast,
25 um das Los dieses Dienstes und Apostelamtes zu empfangen, von welchem Judas abgewichen ist, um an seinen eigenen Ort zu gehen.
26 und sie gaben Lose über sie; und das Los fiel auf Matthias, und er wurde den elf Aposteln zugezählt.

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Apostelgeschichte 1 Commentary

Chapter 1

This book unites the Gospels to the Epistles. It contains many particulars concerning the apostles Peter and Paul, and of the Christian church from the ascension of our Saviour to the arrival of St. Paul at Rome, a space of about thirty years. St. Luke was the writer of this book; he was present at many of the events he relates, and attended Paul to Rome. But the narrative does not afford a complete history of the church during the time to which it refers, nor even of St. Paul's life. The object of the book has been considered to be, 1. To relate in what manner the gifts of the Holy Spirit were communicated on the day of Pentecost, and the miracles performed by the apostles, to confirm the truth of Christianity, as showing that Christ's declarations were really fulfilled. 2. To prove the claim of the Gentiles to be admitted into the church of Christ. This is shown by much of the contents of the book. A large portion of the Acts is occupied by the discourses or sermons of various persons, the language and manner of which differ, and all of which will be found according to the persons by whom they were delivered, and the occasions on which they were spoken. It seems that most of these discourses are only the substance of what was actually delivered. They relate nevertheless fully to Jesus as the Christ, the anointed Messiah.

Proofs of Christ's resurrection. (1-5) Christ's ascension. (6-11) The apostles unite in prayer. (12-14) Matthias chosen in the place of Judas. (15-26)

Verses 1-5 Our Lord told the disciples the work they were to do. The apostles met together at Jerusalem; Christ having ordered them not to depart thence, but to wait for the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. This would be a baptism by the Holy Ghost, giving them power to work miracles, and enlightening and sanctifying their souls. This confirms the Divine promise, and encourages us to depend upon it, that we have heard it from Christ; for in Him all the promises of God are yea and amen.

Verses 6-11 They were earnest in asking about that which their Master never had directed or encouraged them to seek. Our Lord knew that his ascension and the teaching of the Holy Spirit would soon end these expectations, and therefore only gave them a rebuke; but it is a caution to his church in all ages, to take heed of a desire of forbidden knowledge. He had given his disciples instructions for the discharge of their duty, both before his death and since his resurrection, and this knowledge is enough for a Christian. It is enough that He has engaged to give believers strength equal to their trials and services; that under the influence of the Holy Spirit they may, in one way or other, be witnesses for Christ on earth, while in heaven he manages their concerns with perfect wisdom, truth, and love. When we stand gazing and trifling, the thoughts of our Master's second coming should quicken and awaken us: when we stand gazing and trembling, they should comfort and encourage us. May our expectation of it be stedfast and joyful, giving diligence to be found of him blameless.

Verses 12-14 God can find hiding-places for his people. They made supplication. All God's people are praying people. It was now a time of trouble and danger with the disciples of Christ; but if any is afflicted, let him pray; that will silence cares and fears. They had now a great work to do, and before they entered upon it, they were earnest in prayer to God for his presence. They were waiting for the descent of the Spirit, and abounded in prayer. Those are in the best frame to receive spiritual blessings, who are in a praying frame. Christ had promised shortly to send the Holy Ghost; that promise was not to do away prayer, but to quicken and encourage it. A little company united in love, exemplary in their conduct, fervent in prayer, and wisely zealous to promote the cause of Christ, are likely to increase rapidly.

Verses 15-26 The great thing the apostles were to attest to the world, was, Christ's resurrection; for that was the great proof of his being the Messiah, and the foundation of our hope in him. The apostles were ordained, not to wordly dignity and dominion, but to preach Christ, and the power of his resurrection. An appeal was made to God; "Thou, Lord, who knowest the hearts of all men," which we do not; and better than they know their own. It is fit that God should choose his own servants; and so far as he, by the disposals of his providence, or the gifts of his Spirit, shows whom he was chosen, or what he has chosen for us, we ought to fall in with his will. Let us own his hand in the determining everything which befalls us, especially in those by which any trust may be committed to us.

Chapter Summary


This book, in some copies, is called, "The Acts of the holy Apostles". It contains an history of the ministry and miracles of the apostles of Christ, and is a sort of a journal of their actions, from whence it takes its name. It begins at the ascension of Christ, and reaches to the imprisonment of the Apostle Paul at Rome; and is a history of upwards of thirty years: it gives an account of the first Gospel church at Jerusalem, and of the progress of the Gospel there, and in Judea, by the means of all the apostles, and particularly Peter, the minister of the circumcision, and who also first opened the door of faith to the Gentiles: it shows how the Gospel went forth from Jerusalem, and was spread in the Gentile world, especially by the Apostle Paul, whose companion Luke was, that was the writer of this book; for that it was written by him is very evident from the beginning of it, it being dedicated to the same person his Gospel is, and of which he makes mention; and in the Complutensian edition the book is called, "The Acts of the Apostles of Saint Luke the Evangelist"; and so the title of it in the Syriac version is, "the Book of the Acts: that is, the history of the blessed apostles, which my Lord Luke the Evangelist collected for the saints". It was by him written in the Greek language; and we are told {a}, that there was a version of it into the Hebrew language, and which was laid up in the library of the Jews at Tiberias; and is cited by R. Azarias {b} under the name of twlweph, "the Acts": of the authority of this book there has been no doubt, among the ancients, only Cerinthus the heretic endeavoured to discredit it; and it was not received by another sort of heretics called Severiani, from Severus, a disciple of Tatian {c}. It is a most excellent and useful work, showing the first planting of Christianity, and of Christian churches, both among the Jews and Gentiles; the spread and progress of the Gospel in several parts of the world; what sufferings the apostles endured for the sake of it; and with what patience and courage they bore them; and what success attended them; and is a standing proof and confirmation of the Christian religion.

{a} Epiphan. Contr. Haeres. l. 1. Haeres. 30. {b} Meor Enayim, p. 167. {c} Euseb. Eccl. Hist. l. 4. c. 29.

Apostelgeschichte 1 Commentaries

The Elberfelder Bible is in the public domain.