Psalm 68

1 Dem Vorsänger. Von David. Ein Psalm, ein Lied. Möge Gott aufstehen! Mögen sich zerstreuen seine Feinde, und vor ihm fliehen seine Hasser!
2 Wie Rauch vertrieben wird, so wirst du sie vertreiben; wie Wachs vor dem Feuer zerschmilzt, so werden die Gesetzlosen umkommen vor dem Angesicht Gottes.
3 Aber freuen werden sich die Gerechten, sie werden frohlocken vor dem Angesicht Gottes und jubeln in Freude.
4 Singet Gott, besinget seinen Namen! Machet Bahn dem, der einherfährt durch die Wüsteneien, Jah ist sein Name, und frohlocket vor ihm!
5 Ein Vater der Waisen und ein Richter der Witwen ist Gott in seiner heiligen Wohnung.
6 Gott läßt Einsame in einem Hause wohnen, führt Gefangene hinaus ins Glück; die Widerspenstigen aber wohnen in der Dürre.
7 Gott, als du auszogest vor deinem Volke, als du einherschrittest durch die Wüste, (Sela.)
8 da bebte die Erde, auch troffen die Himmel vor Gott, jener Sinai vor Gott, dem Gott Israels.
9 Reichlichen Regen gossest du aus, o Gott; dein Erbteil, wenn es ermattet war, richtetest du es auf.
10 Deine Schar hat darin gewohnt; du bereitetest in deiner Güte für den Elenden, o Gott!
11 Der Herr erläßt das Wort; der Siegesbotinnen ist eine große Schar.
12 Die Könige der Heere fliehen, sie fliehen, und die Hausbewohnerin verteilt die Beute.
13 Wenn ihr zwischen den Hürden lieget, werdet ihr sein wie die Flügel einer Taube, die überzogen sind mit Silber, und ihre Schwingen mit grüngelbem Golde.
14 Wenn der Allmächtige Könige darin zerstreut, wird es schneeweiß auf dem Zalmon.
15 Der Berg Basans ist ein Berg Gottes, ein gipfelreicher Berg ist der Berg Basans.
16 Warum blicket ihr neidisch, ihr gipfelreichen Berge, auf den Berg, den Gott begehrt hat zu seinem Wohnsitz? Auch wird Jehova daselbst wohnen immerdar.
17 Der Wagen Gottes sind zwei Zehntausende, Tausende und aber Tausende; der Herr ist unter ihnen: ein Sinai an Heiligkeit.
18 Du bist aufgefahren in die Höhe, du hast die Gefangenschaft gefangen geführt; du hast Gaben empfangen im Menschen, und selbst für Widerspenstige, damit Jehova, Gott, eine Wohnung habe.
19 Gepriesen sei der Herr! Tag für Tag trägt er unsere Last; Gott ist unsere Rettung. (Sela.)
20 Gott ist uns ein Gott der Rettungen, und bei Jehova, dem Herrn, stehen die Ausgänge vom Tode.
21 Gewiß, Gott wird zerschmettern das Haupt seiner Feinde, den Haarscheitel dessen, der da wandelt in seinen Vergehungen.
22 Der Herr sprach: Ich werde zurückbringen aus Basan, zurückbringen aus den Tiefen des Meeres,
23 auf daß du deinen Fuß in Blut badest, und die Zunge deiner Hunde von den Feinden ihr Teil habe.
24 Gesehen haben sie deine Züge, o Gott, die Züge meines Gottes, meines Königs im Heiligtum.
25 Voran gingen Sänger, danach Saitenspieler, inmitten tamburinschlagender Jungfrauen.
26 "Preiset Gott, den Herrn, in den Versammlungen, die ihr aus der Quelle Israels seid!"
27 Da sind Benjamin, der Jüngste, ihr Herrscher, die Fürsten Judas, ihr Haufe, die Fürsten Sebulons, die Fürsten Naphtalis.
28 Geboten hat dein Gott deine Stärke. Stärke, o Gott, das, was du für uns gewirkt hast!
29 Um deines Tempels zu Jerusalem willen werden Könige dir Geschenke bringen.
30 Schilt das Tier des Schilfes, die Schar der Stiere mit den Kälbern der Völker; jeder wird sich dir unterwerfen mit Silberbarren. Zerstreue die Völker, die Lust haben am Kriege!
31 Es werden kommen die Großen aus Ägypten; Äthiopien wird eilends seine Hände ausstrecken zu Gott.
32 Ihr Königreiche der Erde, singet Gott, besinget den Herrn, (Sela.)
33 den, der da einherfährt auf den Himmeln, den Himmeln der Vorzeit! Siehe, er läßt seine Stimme erschallen, eine mächtige Stimme.
34 Gebet Gott Stärke! Seine Hoheit ist über Israel und seine Macht in den Wolken.
35 Furchtbar bist du, Gott, aus deinen Heiligtümern her; der Gott Israels, er ist es, der Stärke und Kraft gibt dem Volke. Gepriesen sei Gott!

Psalm 68 Commentary

Chapter 68

A prayer-- The greatness and goodness of God. (1-6) The wonderful works God wrought for his people. (7-14) The presence of God in his church. (15-21) The victories of Christ. (22-28) Enlargement of the church. (29-31) The glory and grace of God. (32-35)

Verses 1-6 None ever hardened his heart against God, and prospered. God is the joy of his people, then let them rejoice when they come before him. He who derives his being from none, but gives being to all, is engaged by promise and covenant to bless his people. He is to be praised as a God of mercy and tender compassion. He ever careth for the afflicted and oppressed: repenting sinners, who are helpless and exposed more than any fatherless children, are admitted into his family, and share all their blessings.

Verses 7-14 Fresh mercies should put us in mind of former mercies. If God bring his people into a wilderness, he will be sure to go before them in it, and to bring them out of it. He provided for them, both in the wilderness and in Canaan. The daily manna seems here meant. And it looks to the spiritual provision for God's Israel. The Spirit of grace and the gospel of grace are the plentiful rain, with which God confirms his inheritance, and from which their fruit is found. Christ shall come as showers that water the earth. The account of Israel's victories is to be applied to the victories over death and hell, by the exalted Redeemer, for those that are his. Israel in Egypt among the kilns appeared wretched, but possessed of Canaan, during the reigns of David and Solomon, appeared glorious. Thus the slaves of Satan, when converted to Christ, when justified and sanctified by him, look honourable. When they reach heaven, all remains of their sinful state disappear, they shall be as the wings of the dove, covered with silver, and her feathers as gold. Full salvation will render those white as snow, who were vile and loathsome through the guilt and defilement of sin.

Verses 15-21 The ascension of Christ must here be meant, and thereto it is applied, ( Ephesians 4:8 ) . He received as the purchase of his death, the gifts needful for the conversion of sinners, and the salvation of believers. These he continually bestows, even on rebellious men, that the Lord God might dwell among them, as their Friend and Father. He gave gifts to men. Having received power to give eternal life, the Lord Jesus bestows it on as many as were given him, ( John 17:2 ) . Christ came to a rebellious world, not to condemn it, but that through him it might be saved. The glory of Zion's King is, that he is a Saviour and Benefactor to all his willing people, and a consuming fire to all that persist in rebellion against him. So many, so weighty are the gifts of God's bounty, that he may be truly said to load us with them. He will not put us off with present things for a portion, but will be the God of our salvation. The Lord Jesus has authority and power to rescue his people from the dominion of death, by taking away the sting of it from them when they die, and giving them complete victory over it when they rise again. The crown of the head, the chief pride and glory of the enemy, shall be smitten; Christ shall crush the head of the serpent.

Verses 22-28 The victories with which God blessed David over the enemies of Israel, are types of Christ's victory, for himself and for all believers. Those who take him for theirs, may see him acting as their God, as their King, for their good, and in answer to their prayers; especially in and by his word and ordinances. The kingdom of the Messiah shall be submitted to by all the rulers and learned in the world. The people seem to address the king, ver. Verse 28 . But the words are applicable to the Redeemer, to his church, and every true believer. We pray, that thou, O God the Son, wilt complete thine undertaking for us, by finishing thy good work in us.

Verses 29-31 A powerful invitation is given to those that are without, to join the church. Some shall submit from fear; overcome by their consciences, and the checks of Providence, they are brought to make peace with the church. Others will submit ( psalms 68:29-31 ) service of God, and in the gospel of Christ which went forth from Jerusalem, which is enough to invite sinners out of all nations.

Verses 32-35 God is to be admired and adored with reverence and godly fear, by all that attend in his holy places. The God of Israel gives strength and power unto his people. Through Christ strengthening us we can do all things, not otherwise; therefore he must have the glory of all we do, with our humble thanks for enabling us to do it, and for accepting the work of his hands in us.

Chapter Summary

To the chief Musician, A Psalm [or] Song of David. The Targum makes the argument of this psalm to be the coming of the children of Israel out of Egypt, and the giving of the law on Mount Sinai; in which it is followed by many of the Jewish interpreters: but Aben Ezra rejects such an interpretation of it, and thinks that David composed it, concerning the war he had with the uncircumcised nations, the Philistines and others, 2 Samuel 8:1, &c. And so the title of the Syriac version begins, "a psalm of David, when the kings prepared themselves to fight against him:" and Kimchi says it was composed on account of Sennacherib's army coming against Jerusalem, in the times of Hezekiah, and so delivered by David, under a spirit of prophecy concerning that affair; though he owns that some of their writers interpret it of the war of Gog and Magog, in the times of the Messiah they yet expect. But they are much nearer the truth, who take it that it was written on occasion of the ark being brought to the city of David; seeing it begins with much the same words that Moses used when the ark set forward in his times, Numbers 10:35; and the bringing of which was attended with great joy and gladness, 2 Samuel 6:14; such as the righteous are called upon to express in this psalm, Psalm 68:3. And this being a type of Christ, and of his ascending the holy hill of God, may be allowed of; for certain it is that this psalm treats of the coming of Christ, and of blessings by him, and of victory over his enemies; and particularly of his ascension to heaven, as most evidently appears from Ephesians 4:8; and from prophecies in it, concerning the calling of the Gentiles. Wherefore the latter part of the Syriac inscription of it is very pertinent; "also a prophecy concerning the dispensation of the Messiah, and concerning the calling of the Gentiles to the faith." Jarchi interprets Psalm 68:31 of the Messiah.

Psalm 68 Commentaries

The Elberfelder Bible is in the public domain.