Ephesians 5:30

30 for we are members of his body.

Ephesians 5:30 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
English Standard Version (ESV)
30 because we are members of his body.
New Living Translation (NLT)
30 And we are members of his body.
The Message Bible (MSG)
30 since we are part of his body.
American Standard Version (ASV)
30 because we are members of his body.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
30 We are parts of his body.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
30 since we are members of His body.

Ephesians 5:30 Meaning and Commentary

Ephesians 5:30

For we are members of his body
Not of his natural body, for this would make Christ's human nature monstrous; Christ, as man, is of our flesh and of our bones, or a partaker of the same flesh and blood with us; or otherwise, his incarnation would have been of no service to us; and had our human nature been from Christ, it would not have been corrupted; but our bodies, flesh, and bones, are from the first, and not the second Adam, and so corrupt and sinful; Christ indeed, as God, is the former of all human nature, and, as man, was set up in God's thoughts as the pattern of it; but the apostle is here speaking of the saints, not as men, but as Christians, as new creatures in Christ; and of what is peculiar to them; and therefore this must be understood of Christ's mystical body the church; which is his by the Father's gift, and his own purchase; and of which he is the head, and which is united to him; now of this saints are members; see ( Romans 12:5 ) ( 1 Corinthians 12:12 1 Corinthians 12:18 1 Corinthians 12:27 ) .

Of his flesh and of his bones:
for so the church may be called, his own flesh, his flesh and bones, on account of the marriage relation she stands in to him, and that spiritual union there is between them, which these phrases are expressive of; and which the near relation of man and wife is an emblem of; these words are wanting in the Alexandrian copy, and in the Ethiopic version.

Ephesians 5:30 In-Context

28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.
29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church—
30 for we are members of his body.
31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”
32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church.

Cross References 1

  • 1. S Romans 12:5; S 1 Corinthians 12:27
Scripture quoted by permission.  Quotations designated (NIV) are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®.  NIV®.  Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica.  All rights reserved worldwide.