Zaccaria 10

1 DOMANDATE al Signore la pioggia nel tempo della stagione della ricolta; il Signore manderà lampi, e darà loro nembi di pioggia, ed a ciascuno dell’erba nel suo campo.
2 Conciossiachè gl’idoli abbian detta menzogna, e gl’indovini abbian vedute visioni di falsità, e i sognatori abbian detta vanità, ed abbian date vane consolazioni; perciò il popolo se n’è andato qua e là, a guisa di pecore, ed è stato oppressato; perciocchè non vi era alcun pastore.
3 La mia ira si è accesa contro a quei pastori, ed io ho fatta punizione sopra i becchi. Dopo che il Signor degli eserciti ha visitata la sua mandra, la casa di Giuda, egli li ha fatti essere come il suo cavallo di gloria, nella guerra.
4 Da lui è il cantone, da lui il chiodo, da lui l’arco della guerra; da lui parimente procede ogni oppressore.
5 E saranno simili ad uomini prodi, calpestanti nella battaglia i nemici, come il fango delle strade; e combatteranno, perciocchè il Signore sarà con loro; e quelli che saran montati sopra cavalli saranno confusi.
6 Ed io fortificherò la casa di Giuda, e salverò la casa di Giuseppe, e li ricondurrò in casa loro; perciocchè io avrò pietà di loro; e saranno come se io non li avessi mai scacciati lontano; perciocchè io sono il Signore Iddio loro, e li esaudirò.
7 E que’ di Efraim saranno come un uomo prode, e il cuor loro si rallegrerà, come per lo vino; e i lor figliuoli lo vedranno, e si rallegreranno; il cuor loro festeggerà nel Signore.
8 Io fischierò loro, e li raccoglierò, quando li avrò riscattati; e moltiplicheranno, come già moltiplicarono.
9 E dopo che io li avrò seminati fra i popoli, si ricorderanno di me in paesi lontani; e viveranno co’ lor figliuoli, e se ne ritorneranno.
10 Ed io li ricondurrò dal paese di Egitto, e li raccoglierò di Assiria, e li menerò nel paese di Galaad, e nel Libano; e quello non basterà loro.
11 Ed egli passerà per lo stretto del mare, e percoterà le onde nel mare, e tutte le profondità del fiume saran seccate; e l’alterezza di Assur sarà abbattuta, e lo scettro di Egitto sarà tolto via.
12 Ed io lo fortificherò nel Signore, ed essi cammineranno nel suo Nome, dice il Signore.

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Zaccaria 10 Commentary

Chapter 10

Blessings to be sought from the Lord. (1-5) God will restore his people. (6-12)

Verses 1-5 Spiritual blessings had been promised under figurative allusions to earthly plenty. Seasonable rain is a great mercy, which we may ask of God when there is most need of it, and we may look for it to come. We must in our prayers ask for mercies in their proper time. The Lord would make bright clouds, and give showers of rain. This may be an exhortation to seek the influences of the Holy Spirit, in faith and by prayer, through which the blessings held forth in the promises are obtained and enjoyed. The prophet shows the folly of making addresses to idols, as their fathers had done. The Lord visited the remnant of his flock in mercy, and was about to renew their courage and strength for conflict and victory. Every creature is to us what God makes it to be. Every one raised to support the nation, as a corner-stone does the building, or to unite those that differ, as nails join the different timbers, must come from the Lord; and those employed to overcome their enemies, must have strength and success from him. This may be applied to Christ; to him we must look to raise up persons to unite, support, and defend his people. He never will say, Seek ye me in vain.

Verses 6-12 Here are precious promises to the people of God, which look to the state of the Jews, and even to the latter days of the church. Preaching the gospel is God's call for souls to come to Jesus Christ. Those whom Christ redeemed by his blood, God will gather by his grace. Difficulties shall be got over easily, and effectually, as those in the way of the deliverance out of Egypt. God himself will be their strength, and their song. When we resist, and so overcome our spiritual enemies, then our hearts shall rejoice. If God strengthen us, we must bestir ourselves in all the duties of the Christian life, must be active in the work of God; and we must do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Chapter Summary


This chapter is a prophecy of the conversion of the Jews in the latter day, when the fulness of the Gentiles is brought in, spoken of in the preceding chapter Zec 9:1-17. It begins with an exhortation to ask rain of the Lord; denounces wrath upon his enemies; and consists of various promises to his people. The exhortation to ask rain is in Zec 10:1 to which encouragement is given from its being of the Lord, from his willingness to grant it, and from the fruitfulness occasioned by it. The vanity of idols, and idolaters, who can not give it, is exposed; and the distress and confusion they were thrown into is observed, Zec 10:2. The anger of the Lord against the principal of them is declared; and his gracious visitation of the people of the Jews, whom he will honour and glorify, is taken notice of, Zec 10:3 from whom the Messiah sprung, than which a greater glory can not be enjoyed, Zec 10:4 and then follow various promises, relating to them; as of victory over their enemies, through the presence of the Lord with them, Zec 10:5 of strength and salvation to them, as owing to his free grace and mercy, Zec 10:6 of inward spiritual joy in them and theirs, Zec 10:7 of their effectual calling and spiritual increase, in consequence of redeeming grace, Zec 10:8 of their having a name and a place in Gospel churches, where they will remember the Lord, and live with their children, being converted, Zec 10:9 which conversion of theirs is represented in terms alluding to their deliverance from Egypt and Babylon, Zec 10:10,11 and the chapter is concluded with a promise of spiritual strength, so that they shall continue in their profession of faith in Christ, and persevere therein to the end, Zec 10:12.

Zaccaria 10 Commentaries

The Giovanni Diodati Bible is in the public domain.