Genesis 11:10

From Shem to Abram

10 This is the account of Shem’s family line. Two years after the flood, when Shem was 100 years old, he became the father[a] of Arphaxad.

Genesis 11:10 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
10 These are the generations of Shem: Shem was an hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood:
English Standard Version (ESV)
10 These are the generations of Shem. When Shem was 100 years old, he fathered Arpachshad two years after the flood.
New Living Translation (NLT)
10 This is the account of Shem’s family. Two years after the great flood, when Shem was 100 years old, he became the father of Arphaxad.
The Message Bible (MSG)
10 This is the story of Shem. When Shem was 100 years old, he had Arphaxad. It was two years after the flood.
American Standard Version (ASV)
10 These are the generations of Shem. Shem was a hundred years old, and begat Arpachshad two years after the flood.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
10 This is the account of Shem and his descendants. Two years after the flood when Shem was 100 years old, he became the father of Arpachshad.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
10 These are the family records of Shem. Shem lived 100 years and fathered Arpachshad two years after the deluge.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
10 Here is the story of Shem. It was two years after the flood. When Shem was 100 years old, he became the father of Arphaxad.

Genesis 11:10 Meaning and Commentary

Genesis 11:10

These are the generations of Shem
Or a genealogy of the posterity of Shem; not of all of them, only of those of the line which led to Abraham, by which might appear the true line in which the Messiah from Adam through Abraham sprung:

Shem was one hundred years old, and begat Arphexad two years after
the flood;
by which it is pretty plain that he was younger than Japheth; (See Gill on Genesis 10:21) of Arphaxad his son, (See Gill on Genesis 10:22).

Genesis 11:10 In-Context

8 So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city.
9 That is why it was called Babel —because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.
10 This is the account of Shem’s family line. Two years after the flood, when Shem was 100 years old, he became the father of Arphaxad.
11 And after he became the father of Arphaxad, Shem lived 500 years and had other sons and daughters.
12 When Arphaxad had lived 35 years, he became the father of Shelah.

Cross References 2

Footnotes 1

  • [a]. "Father" may mean "ancestor" ; also in verses 11-25.
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