Isaiah 23:12

12 He said, “No more of your reveling, Virgin Daughter Sidon, now crushed! “Up, cross over to Cyprus; even there you will find no rest.”

Isaiah 23:12 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
12 And he said, Thou shalt no more rejoice, O thou oppressed virgin, daughter of Zidon: arise, pass over to Chittim; there also shalt thou have no rest.
English Standard Version (ESV)
12 And he said: "You will no more exult, O oppressed virgin daughter of Sidon; arise, cross over to Cyprus, even there you will have no rest."
New Living Translation (NLT)
12 He says, “Never again will you rejoice, O daughter of Sidon, for you have been crushed. Even if you flee to Cyprus, you will find no rest.”
The Message Bible (MSG)
12 God said, "There's nothing left here to be proud of, bankrupt and bereft Sidon. Do you want to make a new start in Cyprus? Don't count on it. Nothing there will work out for you either."
American Standard Version (ASV)
12 And he said, Thou shalt no more rejoice, O thou oppressed virgin daughter of Sidon: arise, pass over to Kittim; even there shalt thou have no rest.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
12 He says, "You will no longer be joyful, my dear abused people Sidon." Get up, and travel to Cyprus. Even there you will find no rest.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
12 He said, "You will not rejoice any more, ravished young woman, daughter of Sidon. Get up and cross over to Cyprus- even there you will have no rest!"
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
12 He said, "No more wild parties for you! People of Sidon, you are now destroyed! "Leave your city. Go across the sea to Cyprus. Even there you will not find any rest."

Isaiah 23:12 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 23:12

And he said, thou shalt no more rejoice
Not meaning that she should never more rejoice, but not for a long time, as Kimchi interprets it; when her calamity should come upon her, her jovial time, her time of mirth, jollity, and revelling, would be over for a time; for, at the end of seventy years, she should take her harp, and sing again, ( Isaiah 23:15 Isaiah 23:16 ) for the words seem to be spoken of Tyre, concerning whom the whole prophecy is; though some think Zidon is here meant, which, being near, suffered at the same time with Tyre, or quickly after:

O thou oppressed virgin!
Tyre is called a "virgin", because of her beauty, pride, and lasciviousness, and because never before subdued and taken: and "oppressed", because now deflowered, ransacked, plundered, and ruined, by Nebuchadnezzar:

daughter of Zidon:
some think Zidon itself is meant, just as daughter of Zion means Zion herself; but it may be also observed, that such cities that have sprung from others, or have their dependence on them, are called their daughters; so we read of Samaria and her daughters, and Sodom and her daughters, ( Ezekiel 16:46 Ezekiel 16:48 ) and so Tyre is called the daughter of Zidon, because it was a colony of the Zidonians F6; and at first built and supported by them, though now grown greater than its mother:

arise, pass over to Chittim;
to the isle of Cyprus, which was near them, and in which was a city called Citium; or to Macedonia, which was called the land of Chittim, as in the Apocrypha:

``And it happened, after that Alexander son of Philip, the Macedonian, who came out of the land of Chettiim, had smitten Darius king of the Persians and Medes, that he reigned in his stead, the first over Greece,'' (1 Maccabees 1:1)

or to the isles of the Aegean and Ionian seas; or to Greece and Italy; which latter sense is approved by Vitringa, who thinks the islands of Corsica, and Sardinia, and Sicily, are meant, which were colonies of the Tyrians; and so in ( Isaiah 23:1 Isaiah 23:6 ) :

there also shalt thou have no rest;
since those countries would also fall into the enemy's hands, either the Babylonians, or the Medes and Persians, or the Romans; into whose hands Macedonia, Carthage, and other colonies of the Tyrians fell, so that they had no rest in any of them.


F6 Justin ex Trogo, l. 18. c. 3.

Isaiah 23:12 In-Context

10 Till your land as they do along the Nile, Daughter Tarshish, for you no longer have a harbor.
11 The LORD has stretched out his hand over the sea and made its kingdoms tremble. He has given an order concerning Phoenicia that her fortresses be destroyed.
12 He said, “No more of your reveling, Virgin Daughter Sidon, now crushed! “Up, cross over to Cyprus; even there you will find no rest.”
13 Look at the land of the Babylonians,this people that is now of no account! The Assyrians have made it a place for desert creatures; they raised up their siege towers, they stripped its fortresses bare and turned it into a ruin.
14 Wail, you ships of Tarshish; your fortress is destroyed!

Cross References 3

  • 1. S ver 7; Revelation 18:22
  • 2. Isaiah 37:22; Isaiah 47:1; Jeremiah 14:17; Jeremiah 46:11; Lamentations 2:13; Zephaniah 3:14; Zechariah 2:10
  • 3. S Genesis 10:4
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