Isaías 60:19

19 El sol nunca más te servirá de luz para el día, ni el resplandor de la luna te alumbrará; mas te será el SEÑOR por luz perpetua, y por tu gloria el Dios tuyo

Isaías 60:19 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 60:19

The sun shall be no more thy light by day
Here begins the account of the sinless, pure, and perfect state of the church in the personal reign of Christ, even the New Jerusalem church state, as appears from the use of these very words, in the description of that state, ( Revelation 21:23 ) where it is read, "and the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof"; and in like manner the Targum renders these words,

``and ye shall have no need any more of the light of the sun by day, nor even of the light of the moon by night;''
and so both Aben Ezra and Jarchi interpret it,
``ye shall have no need of the light of the sun;''
and the former adds, because of the light of the Shechinah; and which seems to be the meaning of the next clause: neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee;
that is, because of the exceeding brightness, splendour, and lustre of the divine majesty of Christ, who will appear personally among his people, neither sun nor moon will be able to give any light: as the light of a candle is made useless and unnecessary by the light of the sun, so the light of the sun and moon will be made useless and unnecessary by the vastly superior light and glory of Christ; see ( Isaiah 24:23 ) ( 30:26 ) , though the sun and moon may be understood here mystically, not of civil magistrates, who are sometimes signified by these luminaries; and who also will be no more used when this dispensation or personal reign of Christ shall take place; see ( Isaiah 13:10 ) ( Revelation 6:12 ) ( 1 Corinthians 15:24 ) , but rather of the Gospel and Gospel ordinances, which the church will no more stand in need of to enlighten, teach, and instruct them, refresh and comfort them, having the immediate presence of Christ with them, as follows: but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light;
that is, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, as it is interpreted in the above cited place in the Revelation; who, as he is the author of the light of nature, and of the light of grace, so of the light of glory in this state, and to all eternity; then will the saints in this light behold the face of God, which is not to be seen now; they shall see Christ in all his glory, in the glory of his Father, and of his holy angels; all the glorious forms, the angels of heaven, and all the saints, those spirits of just then made perfect, that shall come with Christ, and be clothed with glorious bodies; even the New Jerusalem descending from heaven, having the glory of God upon her; likewise all the doctrines of grace, now not so clearly understood; and all the mysteries of Providence, which will be laid open, and made manifest; and this clear light will continue for ever; there will be no more night, but one everlasting day: and thy God thy glory;
it is the saints' glory that God is their God; and it will be their glory in this state to have the God-man Jesus Christ personally with them; the tabernacle of God will be among them; God himself shall be with them, and be their God; and his glory shall lighten them, ( Revelation 21:3 Revelation 21:23 ) .

Isaías 60:19 In-Context

17 Por el bronce traeré oro, y por hierro plata, y por madera bronce, y por las piedras hierro; y pondré paz por tu gobierno, y justicia por tus opresores
18 Nunca más se oirá en tu tierra violencia, destrucción y quebrantamiento en tus términos; mas a tus muros llamarás Salud, y a tus puertas Alabanza
19 El sol nunca más te servirá de luz para el día, ni el resplandor de la luna te alumbrará; mas te será el SEÑOR por luz perpetua, y por tu gloria el Dios tuyo
20 No se pondrá jamás tu sol, ni menguará tu luna; porque te será el SEÑOR por perpetua luz, y los días de tu luto serán acabados
21 Y tu pueblo, todos ellos serán justos, para siempre heredarán la tierra; serán renuevos de mi plantío, obra de mis manos, para glorificarme

Título en Inglés – The Jubilee Bible

(De las Escrituras de La Reforma)

Editado por: Russell M. Stendal

Jubilee Bible 2000 – Russell Martin Stendal

© 2000, 2001, 2010