Joshua 21:38

38 from the tribe of Gad, Ramoth in Gilead (a city of refuge for one accused of murder), Mahanaim,

Joshua 21:38 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
38 And out of the tribe of Gad, Ramoth in Gilead with her suburbs, to be a city of refuge for the slayer; and Mahanaim with her suburbs,
English Standard Version (ESV)
38 and out of the tribe of Gad, Ramoth in Gilead with its pasturelands, the city of refuge for the manslayer, Mahanaim with its pasturelands,
New Living Translation (NLT)
38 From the tribe of Gad they received the following towns with their pasturelands: Ramoth in Gilead (a city of refuge for those who accidentally killed someone), Mahanaim,
The Message Bible (MSG)
38 From the tribe of Gad: Ramoth in Gilead (an asylum-city for the unconvicted killer), Mahanaim,
American Standard Version (ASV)
38 And out of the tribe of Gad, Ramoth in Gilead with its suburbs, the city of refuge for the manslayer, and Mahanaim with its suburbs,
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
38 The tribe of Gad also gave them four cities with pasturelands: Ramoth in Gilead (a city of refuge for murderers), Mahanaim,
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
38 From the tribe of Gad, [they gave]: Ramoth in Gilead, the city of refuge for the one who commits manslaughter, with its pasturelands, Mahanaim with its pasturelands,
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
38 From the tribe of Gad they received Ramoth in Gilead. Ramoth was a city where anyone who was charged with murder could go for safety. They also received Mahanaim,

Joshua 21:38 Meaning and Commentary

Joshua 21:38

And out of the tribe of Gad
Which also, as that of Reuben, lay on the other side Jordan:

Ramoth in Gilead with her suburbs;
of which see ( Joshua 20:8 ) ;

[to be] a city of refuge for the slayer;
and is the sixth and last city of refuge in this account:

and Mahanaim with her suburbs;
here it was the angels met Jacob, which gave rise to the name of the place, ( Genesis 32:1 Genesis 32:2 ) ; afterwards a city was built here, and was on the borders of the tribe of Gad, and belonged to it, ( Joshua 13:26 ) ; mention is made of it in other places, ( 2 Samuel 2:8 ) ( 1 Kings 2:8 ) .

Joshua 21:38 In-Context

36 from the tribe of Reuben, Bezer, Jahaz,
37 Kedemoth and Mephaath, together with their pasturelands—four towns;
38 from the tribe of Gad, Ramoth in Gilead (a city of refuge for one accused of murder), Mahanaim,
39 Heshbon and Jazer, together with their pasturelands—four towns in all.
40 The total number of towns allotted to the Merarite clans, who were the rest of the Levites, came to twelve.

Cross References 3

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