And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lordappeareth to Josephin a dream,saying, Arise, and take the young childandhismother,andfleeintoEgypt,and be thouthereuntilIbringtheeword: forHerodwillseek the young child to destroyhim.
When he arose, he took the young childandhismother by night,anddepartedintoEgypt:
Andwasthereuntil the death of Herod:that it might be fulfilledwhich was spokenof the Lordby the prophet,saying, Out ofEgypt have I calledmyson.
ThenHerod, when he sawthat he was mockedof the wise men, was exceedingwroth, and sent forth, and slewall the children that were inBethlehem,andinall the coaststhereof,from two years oldandunder,according to the timewhich he had diligently enquiredof the wise men.
Then was fulfilled that which was spokenbyJeremy the prophet,saying,
InRama was there a voiceheard, lamentation,andweeping,andgreatmourning,Rachelweeping for herchildren,andwouldnot be comforted, because they arenot.