Ésaïe 62

1 Pour l'amour de Sion je ne me tairai point, Pour l'amour de Jérusalem je ne prendrai point de repos, Jusqu'à ce que son salut paraisse, comme l'aurore, Et sa délivrance, comme un flambeau qui s'allume.
2 Alors les nations verront ton salut, Et tous les rois ta gloire; Et l'on t'appellera d'un nom nouveau, Que la bouche de l'Eternel déterminera.
3 Tu seras une couronne éclatante dans la main de l'Eternel, Un turban royal dans la main de ton Dieu.
4 On ne te nommera plus délaissée, On ne nommera plus ta terre désolation; Mais on t'appellera mon plaisir en elle, Et l'on appellera ta terre épouse; Car l'Eternel met son plaisir en toi, Et ta terre aura un époux.
5 Comme un jeune homme s'unit à une vierge, Ainsi tes fils s'uniront à toi; Et comme la fiancée fait la joie de son fiancé, Ainsi tu feras la joie de ton Dieu.
6 Sur tes murs, Jérusalem, j'ai placé des gardes; Ils ne se tairont ni jour ni nuit. Vous qui la rappelez au souvenir de l'Eternel, Point de repos pour vous!
7 Et ne lui laissez aucun relâche, Jusqu'à ce qu'il rétablisse Jérusalem Et la rende glorieuse sur la terre.
8 L'Eternel l'a juré par sa droite et par son bras puissant: Je ne donnerai plus ton blé pour nourriture à tes ennemis, Et les fils de l'étranger ne boiront plus ton vin, Produit de tes labeurs;
9 Mais ceux qui auront amassé le blé le mangeront Et loueront l'Eternel, Et ceux qui auront récolté le vin le boiront, Dans les parvis de mon sanctuaire.
10 Franchissez, franchissez les portes! Préparez un chemin pour le peuple! Frayez, frayez la route, ôtez les pierres! Elevez une bannière vers les peuples!
11 Voici ce que l'Eternel proclame aux extrémités de la terre: Dites à la fille de Sion: Voici, ton sauveur arrive; Voici, le salaire est avec lui, Et les rétributions le précèdent.
12 On les appellera peuple saint, rachetés de l'Eternel; Et toi, on t'appellera recherchée, ville non délaissée.

Images for Ésaïe 62

Ésaïe 62 Commentary

Chapter 62

God's care of his church and people. (1-5) The office of ministers in preaching the gospel. (6-9) Every hinderance shall be removed from the way of salvation. (10-12)

Verses 1-5 The Son of God here assures his church of his unfailing love, and his pleading for her under all trails and difficulties. She shall be called by a new name, a pleasant name, such as she was never called by before. The state of true religion in the world, before the preaching of the gospel, no man seemed to have any real concern for. God, by his grace, has wrought that in his church, which makes her his delight. Let us thence learn motives to holiness. If the Lord rejoices over us, we should rejoice in his service.

Verses 6-9 God's professing people must be a praying people. He is not displeased with us for being earnest, as men commonly are; he bids us to cry after him, and give him no rest, ( luke 11:5 luke 11:6 ) . It is a sign that God is coming to a people in mercy, when he pours out a spirit of prayer upon them. See how uncertain our creature-comforts are. See also God's mercy in giving plenty, and peace to enjoy it. Let us delight in attending the courts of the Lord, that we may enjoy the consolations of his Spirit.

Verses 10-12 Way shall be made for Christ's salvation; all difficulties shall be removed. He brings a reward of comfort and peace with him; but a work of humiliation and reformation before him; and they shall be called, The holy people, and, The redeemed of the Lord. Holiness puts honour and beauty upon any place or person, makes them admired, beloved, and sought after. Many events may have been part fulfilments of this, as earnests of more glorious times yet to come. The close connexion between the blessedness of the Jews and of the Gentiles, runs through the Scriptures. The Lord Jesus will complete his work, and he never will forsake one whom he has redeemed and sanctified.

Chapter Summary


This chapter is a continuation of the prophecy of the glory of the church in the latter day. The prophet expresses his earnest desire for it, and his full assurance of it, Isa 62:1,2 which should lie in a new name, by which she should be called, and in her being a glorious crown and diadem in the hand of the Lord, Isa 62:3,4, in having her sons with her, and the Lord rejoicing over her, Isa 62:5, in having watchmen on her walls, and such as are the Lord's remembrancers in the midst of her, Isa 62:6,7, in plenty of food, Isa 62:8,9, in the coming of the Saviour, and in the gathering of elect Gentiles both to him and her, Isa 62:10-12.

Ésaïe 62 Commentaries

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