Amos 2:15

15 Skilled archers won't make it. Fast runners won't make it. Chariot drivers won't make it.

Amos 2:15 Meaning and Commentary

Amos 2:15

Neither shall he stand that handleth the bow
That is, at some distance, and can make use of his instruments of war afar off; yet will not think it safe to stand his ground, but will betake himself to his heels as fast as he can to save himself: and [he that is] swift of foot shall not deliver [himself];
this is repeated, lest any should place confidence in their agility, and to show how complete and inevitable the affliction will be: neither shall he that rideth the horse deliver himself;
by fleeing on horseback, no more than he that is on foot; no ways that can be devised or thought on would preserve from this general calamity; see ( Psalms 33:17 ) .

Amos 2:15 In-Context

13 You're too much for me. I'm hard-pressed - to the breaking point. I'm like a wagon piled high and overloaded, creaking and groaning.
14 "When I go into action, what will you do? There's no place to run no matter how fast you run. The strength of the strong won't count. Fighters won't make it.
15 Skilled archers won't make it. Fast runners won't make it. Chariot drivers won't make it.
16 Even the bravest of all your warriors Won't make it. He'll run off for dear life, stripped naked." God's Decree.
Published by permission. Originally published by NavPress in English as THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language copyright 2002 by Eugene Peterson. All rights reserved.