Mark 14:21

21 In one sense, it turns out that the Son of Man is entering into a way of treachery well-marked by the Scriptures - no surprises here. In another sense, the man who turns him in, turns traitor to the Son of Man - better never to have been born than do this!" "This Is My Body"

Mark 14:21 Meaning and Commentary

Mark 14:21

The son of man indeed goeth
Out of this world by death,

as it is written;
both in the book of God's decrees, and in the Scriptures of the Old Testament;

but woe to that man by whom the son of man is betrayed!
whose sin will not be excused, nor lessened by fulfilling the decrees of God, and by accomplishing the prophecies of the Bible:

good were it for that man if he had never been born;
so aggravating will be his crime, so dreadful his punishment; (See Gill on Matthew 26:24).

Mark 14:21 In-Context

19 Stunned, they started asking, one after another, "It isn't me, is it?"
20 He said, "It's one of the Twelve, one who eats with me out of the same bowl.
21 In one sense, it turns out that the Son of Man is entering into a way of treachery well-marked by the Scriptures - no surprises here. In another sense, the man who turns him in, turns traitor to the Son of Man - better never to have been born than do this!" "This Is My Body"
22 In the course of their meal, having taken and blessed the bread, he broke it and gave it to them. Then he said, Take, this is my body.
23 Taking the chalice, he gave it to them, thanking God, and they all drank from it.
Published by permission. Originally published by NavPress in English as THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language copyright 2002 by Eugene Peterson. All rights reserved.