121So2the Roman cohort and the commander and the 3officers of the Jews, arrestedJesus and bound Him,
and led Him to 4Annasfirst; for he was father-in-law of 5Caiaphas, who was highpriest that year.
NowCaiaphas was the one who had advised the Jews that 6it was expedient for oneman to die on behalf of the people.
7SimonPeter was followingJesus, and so was anotherdisciple. Now that disciple was known to the highpriest, and entered with Jesus into 8the court of the highpriest,
9but Peter was standing at the dooroutside. So the otherdisciple, who was known to the highpriest, went out and spoke to the doorkeeper, and broughtPeter in.
10Then the slave-girl who kept the doorsaid to Peter, "11You are not also one of thisman'sdisciples, are you?" He said, "I am not."
Now the slaves and the 12officers were standing there, having made13a charcoalfire, for it was cold and they were 14warming themselves; and Peter was also with them, standing and warming himself.
15The highpriestthenquestionedJesusabout His disciples, and about His teaching.
Jesusanswered him, "I 16have spokenopenly to the world; I always17taught in synagogues and 18in the temple, whereall the Jewscometogether; and I spokenothing in secret.
"Why do you question Me? Questionthose who have heardwhat I spoke to them; they knowwhat I said."
When He had saidthis, one of the 19officersstandingnearby20struck*Jesus, saying, "Is that the way You answer the highpriest?"
21Jesusanswered him, "If I have spokenwrongly, testify of the wrong; but ifrightly, why do you strike Me?"
22SoAnnassent Him bound to 23Caiaphas the highpriest.