Job 10:16

16 If I become proud, you hunt me down like a lion. You show your mighty power against me.

Job 10:16 Meaning and Commentary

Job 10:16

For it increaseth
That is, the affliction increaseth; which is a reason why pity should be shown him, seeing his troubles instead of abating were growing upon him; he had as much, or more, than he could well bear, and yet more was added to it; so that he was an object of compassion: or, "it lifteth itself up" F3; these proud waves of affliction rise, swell, and lift themselves on high, and threaten to overwhelm and utterly destroy; some render it as a "wish, oh, that it increased" F4; that it would come to its height, and quickly and at once put an end to this miserable life of mine: Job's affliction was a lingering one, it proceeded slowly; he wished it would make more haste, and become stronger, and soon dispatch him; see ( Job 6:9 ) ;

thou huntest me as a fierce lion;
as the ramping shakal, as Mr. Broughton; the lion rampant, that is hungry, fierce, and ravenous, that pursues its prey with great eagerness, and never leaves till it comes up to it, when it seizes and devours it at once; or it, the affliction, hunteth me, pursues me closely, and will not leave, but threatens destruction to me; or rather, thou, that is God, who is often in Scripture compared to a lion, particularly when afflicting, or about to afflict the sons of men; see ( Isaiah 38:13 ) ( Hosea 5:14 ) ( Hosea 13:7 Hosea 13:8 ) ; some F5 interpret the words, as if Job was compared to a lion hunted by men, at which darts were cast, for which nets were prepared, and pits were dug: according to this sense Job was dealt with as if, in the time of his prosperity, he had been like a fierce and cruel lion, preying upon and oppressing others; now the Lord was taking methods with him, both to restrain him from hurting others, and to chastise him for what he had done to them: but it would be much better to consider this in a light more agreeable to Job's character as a good man, a righteous one, who is as bold as a lion, and fears nothing, ( Proverbs 28:1 ) ; and such an one was Job; and in his prosperity lifted up his head and walked boldly, and consequently not fearing the frowns of men, nor the malice of Satan; but now this lion was hunted by the Lord himself, and compassed with his net, ( Job 19:6 ) ; and to this sense is the version of Schultens, connecting the words with the preceding clause, "him therefore, who walked high as a lion, thou humblest"; he who before carried his head high, being afraid of none, is now hunted down, and lies low enough, prostrate and distressed:

and again thou showest thyself marvellous upon me;
or, "thou returnest


F6 and showest" after he had afflicted him in one way, he returned and afflicted him in another; and he not only repeated his afflictions, but devised new ways of afflicting him, uncommon ones, such as raised admiration in all beholders, as things rare and uncommon do: Job's afflictions were surprising ones; to be stripped at once of his substance, servants, children, and health; and it might be more wonderful to some, that God, so gracious and merciful as he is, should afflict in such a severe and rigorous manner; and especially that he should afflict so good a man, one so just and upright as Job was, in such a way: and it was even marvellous to Job himself, who was at a loss to account for it, not being conscious to himself of any gross enormity he had committed, or of a sinful course of life, or of anyone sin he had indulged to, wherefore God should come forth "against" F7 him as an enemy, in so terrible a manner: so some render the particle.

F3 (hagyw) "attollit sese", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator; so Mercerus.
F4 So Pagninus, Montanus, Vatablus, Bolducius.
F5 So Jarchi and Nachmanides; to which sense the Septuagint and Vulgate Latin versions incline.
F6 (bvtw) "et reverteris", Pagninus, Montanus, Bolducius, Vatablus, Mercerus; so Beza.
F7 (yb) "adversum me", Beza; "contra me", Vatablus, Junius & Tremellius.

Job 10:16 In-Context

14 If I sinned, you would be watching me. You wouldn't let me go without punishing me.
15 If I were guilty, how terrible that would be for me! Even if I haven't sinned, I can't be proud of what I've done. That's because I'm so full of shame. I'm drowning in my suffering.
16 If I become proud, you hunt me down like a lion. You show your mighty power against me.
17 You bring new witnesses against me. You become more and more angry with me. You use your power against me again and again.
18 " 'Why did you bring me out of my mother's body? I wish I had died before anyone saw me.
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