Job 14

1 They have only a few days to live. Their lives are full of trouble.
2 They grow like flowers, and then they dry up. They are like shadows that quickly disappear.
3 "God, why do you keep looking at someone like me? Are you planning to take me to court?
4 Who can bring what is pure from something that isn't pure? No one!
5 You decide how long anyone will live. You have established the number of his months. You have set a limit to the number of his days.
6 So look away from him. Leave him alone. Let him put in his time like a hired worker.
7 "At least there is hope for a tree. If it's cut down, it will begin to grow again. New branches will appear on it.
8 Its roots may grow old in the ground. Its stump may die in the soil.
9 But when it smells water, it will begin to grow. It will send out new growth like a plant.
10 No man is like that. When he dies, he is buried in a grave. He takes his last breath. Then he is gone.
11 Water disappears from lakes. Riverbeds become empty and dry.
12 In the same way, a man lies down and never gets up. He won't wake up or rise from his sleep until the heavens are gone.
13 "I wish you would hide me in a grave! I wish you would cover me up until your anger passes by! I wish you would set the time for me to spend in the grave and then bring me back up!
14 If a man dies, will he live again? All the days of my hard work I will wait for the time when you give me new life.
15 You will call out to me, and I will answer you. Your hands created me. So you will long for me.
16 Then you will count every step I take. But you won't keep track of my sin.
17 The wrong things I've done will be sealed up in a bag. You will wipe out my sins by forgiving them.
18 "A mountain wears away and crumbles. A rock is moved from its place.
19 Water wears stones away. Storms wash soil away. In the same way, you destroy our hope.
20 You overpower us completely, and then we're gone. You change the way we look and send us to our graves.
21 If our children are honored, we don't even know it. If they are dishonored, we don't even see it.
22 All we feel is the pain of our own bodies. We are full of sadness only for ourselves."

Job 14 Commentary

Chapter 14

Job speaks of man's life. (1-6) Of man's death. (7-15) By sin man is subject to corruption. (16-22)

Verses 1-6 Job enlarges upon the condition of man, addressing himself also to God. Every man of Adam's fallen race is short-lived. All his show of beauty, happiness, and splendour falls before the stroke of sickness or death, as the flower before the scythe; or passes away like the shadow. How is it possible for a man's conduct to be sinless, when his heart is by nature unclean? Here is a clear proof that Job understood and believed the doctrine of original sin. He seems to have intended it as a plea, why the Lord should not deal with him according to his own works, but according to His mercy and grace. It is determined, in the counsel and decree of God, how long we shall live. Our times are in his hands, the powers of nature act under him; in him we live and move. And it is very useful to reflect seriously on the shortness and uncertainty of human life, and the fading nature of all earthly enjoyments. But it is still more important to look at the cause, and remedy of these evils. Until we are born of the Spirit, no spiritually good thing dwells in us, or can proceed from us. Even the little good in the regenerate is defiled with sin. We should therefore humble ourselves before God, and cast ourselves wholly on the mercy of God, through our Divine Surety. We should daily seek the renewing of the Holy Ghost, and look to heaven as the only place of perfect holiness and happiness.

Verses 7-15 Though a tree is cut down, yet, in a moist situation, shoots come forth, and grow up as a newly planted tree. But when man is cut off by death, he is for ever removed from his place in this world. The life of man may fitly be compared to the waters of a land flood, which spread far, but soon dry up. All Job's expressions here show his belief in the great doctrine of the resurrection. Job's friends proving miserable comforters, he pleases himself with the expectation of a change. If our sins are forgiven, and our hearts renewed to holiness, heaven will be the rest of our souls, while our bodies are hidden in the grave from the malice of our enemies, feeling no more pain from our corruptions, or our corrections.

Verses 16-22 Job's faith and hope spake, and grace appeared to revive; but depravity again prevailed. He represents God as carrying matters to extremity against him. The Lord must prevail against all who contend with him. God may send disease and pain, we may lose all comfort in those near and dear to us, every hope of earthly happiness may be destroyed, but God will receive the believer into realms of eternal happiness. But what a change awaits the prosperous unbeliever! How will he answer when God shall call him to his tribunal? The Lord is yet upon a mercy-seat, ready to be gracious. Oh that sinners would be wise, that they would consider their latter end! While man's flesh is upon him, that is, the body he is so loth to lay down, it shall have pain; and while his soul is within him, that is, the spirit he is so loth to resign, it shall mourn. Dying work is hard work; dying pangs often are sore pangs. It is folly for men to defer repentance to a death-bed, and to have that to do which is the one thing needful, when unfit to do anything.

Chapter Summary


Job, having turned himself from his friends to God, continues his address to him in this chapter; wherein he discourses of the frailty of man, the shortness of his life, the troubles that are in it, the sinfulness of it, and its limited duration, beyond which it cannot continue; all which he makes use of with God, that he would not therefore deal rigorously with him, but have pity on him, and cease from severely afflicting him, till he came to the end of his days, which could not be long, Job 14:1-6; he observes of a tree, when it is cut down to the root, yea, when the root is become old, and the stock dies, it will, by means of being watered, bud and sprout again, and produce boughs and branches; but man, like the failing waters of the sea, and the decayed and dried up flood, when he dies, rises not, till the heavens be no more, Job 14:7-12; and then he wishes to be hid in the grave till that time, and expresses hope and belief of the resurrection of the dead, Job 14:13-15; and goes on to complain of the strict notice God took of his sins, of his severe dealings with men, destroying their hope in life, and removing them by death; so that they see and know not the case and circumstances of their children they leave behind, and while they live have continual pain and sorrow, Job 14:16-22.

Job 14 Commentaries

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