As touching our brother Apollos
Who was a senior man to Timothy, an eloquent preacher, one who had been at Corinth, and was well known to the saints there, and greatly approved by many of them; wherefore the apostle excuses it, that he should send the one, and not the other, and shows that it was no fault of his: for, says he,
I greatly desired him to come unto you with the brethren;
who seem to be Timotheus and Erastus, see ( Acts 19:22 ) . He greatly importuned him to go along with them, knowing how acceptable he would be among them, and hoping he might be of great use to them in composing their differences, and rectifying their disorders.
But his will was not at all to come at this time;
or "it was not the will"; that is, of God, as some supply it, for him to come now; or he had no mind himself, nor could he be persuaded; he had reasons to himself why he judged it not proper to come at present: however, for their encouragement it is added,
but he will come when he shall have convenient time;
he is not averse to coming, but some things at present hinder him; when he has a suitable opportunity he will make use of it.