And I will make them one nation in the land upon the
mountains of Israel,
&c;] As they were in the times of David and Solomon, who were both types of the Messiah; and to whose times is referred this prophecy by the ancient Jews F5, as then to have its accomplishment: and one king shall be king to them all,
not Zerubbabel, nor Nehemiah, nor Judas Maccabaeus; for these were neither of them kings; and much less such as reigned for ever, as it is said this king shall, ( Ezekiel 37:25 ) , besides, he is expressly said to be David, that is, the Messiah the son of David; and this clause is by a modern Jewish F6 writer applied to him: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided
into two kingdoms any more at all;
which is the very thing the two sticks made one were an emblem of.