For thy waste and thy desolate places, and the land of thy
Or "thy land of destruction, or thy destroyed land" {n}; laid waste and desolate by the enemy, without inhabitants; such countries in which there were few professors of the true religion: shall even now be too narrow, by reason of the inhabitants;
because of the multitude of them; a hyperbolical expression, setting forth the great numbers of Christian converts everywhere: this straitness will not be on account of strangers or enemies having taken possession; but on account of those who are true and proper possessors: for it follows, and they that swallowed thee up shall be far away;
from the church; the Heathen, the Gentiles, or Papists, shall now perish out of his,
Jehovah's, "land"; "sinners shall be consumed out of the earth, and the wicked be no more", ( Psalms 10:16 ) ( 104:35 ) . Antichrist and his abettors, which "swallowed" up the people, their riches, and substance, like beasts of prey, to which he is compared, shall go into perdition, and never disturb the church any more, ( Revelation 13:1 Revelation 13:11 ) ( Revelation 17:3 Revelation 17:8 ) ( 19:20 ) .