Atos 13

A Missão de Barnabé e Saulo

1 Na igreja de Antioquia havia profetas e mestres: Barnabé, Simeão, chamado Níger, Lúcio de Cirene, Manaém, que fora criado com Herodes, o tetrarca,[a] e Saulo.
2 Enquanto adoravam o Senhor e jejuavam, disse o Espírito Santo: “Separem-me Barnabé e Saulo para a obra a que os tenho chamado”.
3 Assim, depois de jejuar e orar, impuseram-lhes as mãos e os enviaram.

Em Chipre

4 Enviados pelo Espírito Santo, desceram a Selêucia e dali navegaram para Chipre.
5 Chegando em Salamina, proclamaram a palavra de Deus nas sinagogas judaicas. João estava com eles como auxiliar.
6 Viajaram por toda a ilha, até que chegaram a Pafos. Ali encontraram um judeu, chamado Barjesus, que praticava magia e era falso profeta.
7 Ele era assessor do procônsul Sérgio Paulo. O procônsul, sendo homem culto, mandou chamar Barnabé e Saulo, porque queria ouvir a palavra de Deus.
8 Mas Elimas, o mágico (esse é o significado do seu nome), opôs-se a eles e tentava desviar da fé o procônsul.
9 Então Saulo, também chamado Paulo, cheio do Espírito Santo, olhou firmemente para Elimas e disse:
10 “Filho do Diabo e inimigo de tudo o que é justo! Você está cheio de toda espécie de engano e maldade. Quando é que vai parar de perverter os retos caminhos do Senhor?
11 Saiba agora que a mão do Senhor está contra você, e você ficará cego e incapaz de ver a luz do sol durante algum tempo”.Imediatamente vieram sobre ele névoa e escuridão, e ele, tateando, procurava quem o guiasse pela mão.
12 O procônsul, vendo o que havia acontecido, creu, profundamente impressionado com o ensino do Senhor.

Em Antioquia da Pisídia

13 De Pafos, Paulo e seus companheiros navegaram para Perge, na Panfília. João os deixou ali e voltou para Jerusalém.
14 De Perge prosseguiram até Antioquia da Pisídia. No sábado, entraram na sinagoga e se assentaram.
15 Depois da leitura da Lei e dos Profetas, os chefes da sinagoga lhes mandaram dizer: “Irmãos, se vocês têm uma mensagem de encorajamento para o povo, falem”.
16 Pondo-se em pé, Paulo fez sinal com a mão e disse: “Israelitas e gentios tementes[b] a Deus, ouçam-me!
17 O Deus do povo de Israel escolheu nossos antepassados e exaltou o povo durante a sua permanência no Egito; com grande poder os fez sair daquele país
18 e os aturou[c] no deserto durante cerca de quarenta anos.
19 Ele destruiu sete nações em Canaã e deu a terra delas como herança ao seu povo.
20 Tudo isso levou cerca de quatrocentos e cinquenta anos.“Depois disso, ele lhes deu juízes até o tempo do profeta Samuel.
21 Então o povo pediu um rei, e Deus lhes deu Saul, filho de Quis, da tribo de Benjamim, que reinou quarenta anos.
22 Depois de rejeitar Saul, levantou-lhes Davi como rei, sobre quem testemunhou: ‘Encontrei Davi, filho de Jessé, homem segundo o meu coração; ele fará tudo o que for da minha vontade’.[d]
23 “Da descendência desse homem Deus trouxe a Israel o Salvador Jesus, como prometera.
24 Antes da vinda de Jesus, João pregou um batismo de arrependimento para todo o povo de Israel.
25 Quando estava completando sua carreira, João disse: ‘Quem vocês pensam que eu sou? Não sou quem vocês pensam. Mas eis que vem depois de mim aquele cujas sandálias não sou digno nem de desamarrar’.
26 “Irmãos, filhos de Abraão, e gentios tementes a Deus, a nós foi enviada esta mensagem de salvação.
27 O povo de Jerusalém e seus governantes não reconheceram Jesus, mas, ao condená-lo, cumpriram as palavras dos profetas, que são lidas todos os sábados.
28 Mesmo não achando motivo legal para uma sentença de morte, pediram a Pilatos que o mandasse executar.
29 Tendo cumprido tudo o que estava escrito a respeito dele, tiraram-no do madeiro e o colocaram num sepulcro.
30 Mas Deus o ressuscitou dos mortos,
31 e, por muitos dias, foi visto por aqueles que tinham ido com ele da Galileia para Jerusalém. Estes agora são testemunhas de Jesus para o povo.
32 “Nós lhes anunciamos as boas-novas: o que Deus prometeu a nossos antepassados
33 ele cumpriu para nós, seus filhos, ressuscitando Jesus, como está escrito em Salmos 2:“ ‘Tu és meu filho;eu hoje te gerei’.[e]
34 O fato de que Deus o ressuscitou dos mortos, para que nunca entrasse em decomposição, é declarado nestas palavras:“ ‘Eu dou a vocês as santas e fiéis bênçãos prometidas a Davi’.[f]
35 Assim ele diz noutra passagem:“ ‘Não permitirás que o teu Santo sofra decomposição’.[g]
36 “Tendo, pois, Davi servido ao propósito de Deus em sua geração, adormeceu, foi sepultado com os seus antepassados e seu corpo se decompôs.
37 Mas aquele a quem Deus ressuscitou não sofreu decomposição.
38 “Portanto, meus irmãos, quero que saibam que mediante Jesus é proclamado o perdão dos pecados a vocês.
39 Por meio dele, todo aquele que crê é justificado de todas as coisas das quais não podiam ser justificados pela Lei de Moisés.
40 Cuidem para que não aconteça o que disseram os profetas:
41 “ ‘Olhem, escarnecedores,admirem-se e pereçam;pois nos dias de vocêsfarei algo em que vocês jamais creriamse a vocês fosse contado!’[h]
42 Quando Paulo e Barnabé estavam saindo da sinagoga, o povo os convidou a falar mais a respeito dessas coisas no sábado seguinte.
43 Despedida a congregação, muitos dos judeus e estrangeiros piedosos convertidos ao judaísmo seguiram Paulo e Barnabé. Estes conversavam com eles, recomendando-lhes que continuassem na graça de Deus.
44 No sábado seguinte, quase toda a cidade se reuniu para ouvir a palavra do Senhor.
45 Quando os judeus viram a multidão, ficaram cheios de inveja e, blasfemando, contradiziam o que Paulo estava dizendo.
46 Então Paulo e Barnabé lhes responderam corajosamente: “Era necessário anunciar primeiro a vocês a palavra de Deus; uma vez que a rejeitam e não se julgam dignos da vida eterna, agora nos voltamos para os gentios.
47 Pois assim o Senhor nos ordenou:“ ‘Eu fiz de você luz para os gentios,para que você leve a salvação até aos confins da terra’.[i]
48 Ouvindo isso, os gentios alegraram-se e bendisseram a palavra do Senhor; e creram todos os que haviam sido designados para a vida eterna.
49 A palavra do Senhor se espalhava por toda a região.
50 Mas os judeus incitaram as mulheres religiosas de elevada posição e os principais da cidade. E, provocando perseguição contra Paulo e Barnabé, os expulsaram do seu território.
51 Estes sacudiram o pó dos seus pés em protesto contra eles e foram para Icônio.
52 Os discípulos continuavam cheios de alegria e do Espírito Santo.

Atos 13 Commentary

Chapter 13

The mission of Paul and Barnabas. (1-3) Elymas the sorcerer. (4-13) Paul's discourse at Antioch. (14-41) He preaches to the Gentiles, and is persecuted by the Jews. (42-52)

Verses 1-3 What an assemblage was here! In these names we see that the Lord raises up instruments for his work, from various places and stations in life; and zeal for his glory induces men to give up flattering connexions and prospects to promote his cause. It is by the Spirit of Christ that his ministers are made both able and willing for his service, and taken from other cares that would hinder in it. Christ's ministers are to be employed in Christ's work, and, under the Spirit's guidance, to act for the glory of God the Father. They are separated to take pains, and not to take state. A blessing upon Barnabas and Saul in their present undertaking was sought for, and that they might be filled with the Holy Ghost in their work. Whatever means are used, or rules observed, the Holy Ghost alone can fit ministers for their important work, and call them to it.

Verses 4-13 Satan is in a special manner busy with great men and men in power, to keep them from being religious, for their example will influence many. Saul is here for the first time called Paul, and never after Saul. Saul was his name as he was a Hebrew; Paul was his name as he was a citizen of Rome. Under the direct influence of the Holy Ghost, he gave Elymas his true character, but not in passion. A fulness of deceit and mischief together, make a man indeed a child of the devil. And those who are enemies to the doctrine of Jesus, are enemies to all righteousness; for in it all righteousness is fulfilled. The ways of the Lord Jesus are the only right ways to heaven and happiness. There are many who not only wander from these ways themselves, but set others against these ways. They commonly are so hardened, that they will not cease to do evil. The proconsul was astonished at the force of the doctrine upon his own heart and conscience, and at the power of God by which it was confirmed. The doctrine of Christ astonishes; and the more we know of it, the more reason we shall see to wonder at it. Those who put their hand to the plough and look back, are not fit for the kingdom of God. Those who are not prepared to face opposition, and to endure hardship, are not fitted for the work of the ministry.

Verses 14-31 When we come together to worship God, we must do it, not only by prayer and praise, but by the reading and hearing of the word of God. The bare reading of the Scriptures in public assemblies is not enough; they should be expounded, and the people exhorted out of them. This is helping people in doing that which is necessary to make the word profitable, to apply it to themselves. Every thing is touched upon in this sermon, which might best prevail with Jews to receive and embrace Christ as the promised Messiah. And every view, however short or faint, of the Lord's dealings with his church, reminds us of his mercy and long-suffering, and of man's ingratitude and perverseness. Paul passes from David to the Son of David, and shows that this Jesus is his promised Seed; a Saviour to do that for them, which the judges of old could not do, to save them from their sins, their worst enemies. When the apostles preached Christ as the Saviour, they were so far from concealing his death, that they always preached Christ crucified. Our complete separation from sin, is represented by our being buried with Christ. But he rose again from the dead, and saw no corruption: this was the great truth to be preached.

Verses 32-37 The resurrection of Christ was the great proof of his being the Son of God. It was not possible he should be held by death, because he was the Son of God, and therefore had life in himself, which he could not lay down but with a design to take it again. The sure mercies of David are that everlasting life, of which the resurrection was a sure pledge; and the blessings of redemption in Christ are a certain earnest, even in this world. David was a great blessing to the age wherein he lived. We were not born for ourselves, but there are those living around us, to whom we must study to be serviceable. Yet here is the difference; Christ was to serve all generations. May we look to Him who is declared to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead, that by faith in him we may walk with God, and serve our generation according to his will; and when death comes, may we fall asleep in him, with a joyful hope of a blessed resurrection.

Verses 38-41 Let all that hear the gospel of Christ, know these two things: 1. That through this Man, who died and rose again, is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins. Your sins, though many and great, may be forgiven, and they may be so without any injury to God's honour. 2. It is by Christ only that those who believe in him, and none else, are justified from all things; from all the guilt and stain of sin, from which they could not be justified by the law of Moses. The great concern of convinced sinners is, to be justified, to be acquitted from all their guilt, and accepted as righteous in God's sight, for if any is left charged upon the sinner, he is undone. By Jesus Christ we obtain a complete justification; for by him a complete atonement was made for sin. We are justified, not only by him as our Judge but by him as the Lord our Righteousness. What the law could not do for us, in that it was weak, the gospel of Christ does. This is the most needful blessing, bringing in every other. The threatenings are warnings; what we are told will come upon impenitent sinners, is designed to awaken us to beware lest it come upon us. It ruins many, that they despise religion. Those that will not wonder and be saved, shall wonder and perish.

Verses 42-52 The Jews opposed the doctrine the apostles preached; and when they could find no objection, they blasphemed Christ and his gospel. Commonly those who begin with contradicting, end with blaspheming. But when adversaries of Christ's cause are daring, its advocates should be the bolder. And while many judge themselves unworthy of eternal life, others, who appear less likely, desire to hear more of the glad tidings of salvation. This is according to what was foretold in the Old Testament. What light, what power, what a treasure does this gospel bring with it! How excellent are its truths, its precepts, its promises! Those came to Christ whom the Father drew, and to whom the Spirit made the gospel call effectual, ( Romans 8:30 ) . As many as were disposed to eternal life, as many as had concern about their eternal state, and aimed to make sure of eternal life, believed in Christ, in whom God has treasured up that life, and who is the only Way to it; and it was the grace of God that wrought it in them. It is good to see honourable women devout; the less they have to do in the world, the more they should do for their own souls, and the souls of others: but it is sad, when, under colour of devotion to God, they try to show hatred to Christ. And the more we relish the comforts and encouragements we meet with in the power of godliness, and the fuller our hearts are of them, the better prepared we are to face difficulties in the profession of godliness.

Footnotes 9

Atos 13 Commentaries

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