Mateus 27

O Suicídio de Judas

1 De manhã cedo, todos os chefes dos sacerdotes e líderes religiosos do povo tomaram a decisão de condenar Jesus à morte.
2 E, amarrando-o, levaram-no e o entregaram a Pilatos, o governador.
3 Quando Judas, que o havia traído, viu que Jesus fora condenado, foi tomado de remorso e devolveu aos chefes dos sacerdotes e aos líderes religiosos as trinta moedas de prata.
4 E disse: “Pequei, pois traí sangue inocente”. E eles retrucaram: “Que nos importa? A responsabilidade é sua”.
5 Então Judas jogou o dinheiro dentro do templo e, saindo, foi e enforcou-se.
6 Os chefes dos sacerdotes ajuntaram as moedas e disseram: “É contra a lei colocar este dinheiro no tesouro, visto que é preço de sangue”.
7 Então decidiram usar aquele dinheiro para comprar o campo do Oleiro, para cemitério de estrangeiros.
8 Por isso ele se chama campo de Sangue até o dia de hoje.
9 Então se cumpriu o que fora dito pelo profeta Jeremias: “Tomaram as trinta moedas de prata, preço em que foi avaliado pelo povo de Israel,
10 e as usaram para comprar o campo do Oleiro, como o Senhor me havia ordenado”.[a]

Jesus diante de Pilatos

11 Jesus foi posto diante do governador, e este lhe perguntou: “Você é o rei dos judeus?”Respondeu-lhe Jesus: “Tu o dizes”.[b]
12 Acusado pelos chefes dos sacerdotes e pelos líderes religiosos, ele nada respondeu.
13 Então Pilatos lhe perguntou: “Você não ouve a acusação que eles estão fazendo contra você?”
14 Mas Jesus não lhe respondeu nenhuma palavra, de modo que o governador ficou muito impressionado.
15 Por ocasião da festa era costume do governador soltar um prisioneiro escolhido pela multidão.
16 Eles tinham, naquela ocasião, um prisioneiro muito conhecido, chamado Barrabás.
17 Pilatos perguntou à multidão que ali se havia reunido: “Qual destes vocês querem que solte: Barrabás ou Jesus, chamado Cristo?”
18 Porque sabia que o haviam entregado por inveja.
19 Estando Pilatos sentado no tribunal, sua mulher lhe enviou esta mensagem: “Não se envolva com este inocente, porque hoje, em sonho, sofri muito por causa dele”.
20 Mas os chefes dos sacerdotes e os líderes religiosos convenceram a multidão a que pedisse Barrabás e mandasse executar Jesus.
21 Então perguntou o governador: “Qual dos dois vocês querem que eu solte?”Responderam eles: “Barrabás!”
22 Perguntou Pilatos: “Que farei então com Jesus, chamado Cristo?”Todos responderam: “Crucifica-o!”
23 “Por quê? Que crime ele cometeu?”, perguntou Pilatos.Mas eles gritavam ainda mais: “Crucifica-o!”
24 Quando Pilatos percebeu que não estava obtendo nenhum resultado, mas, ao contrário, estava se iniciando um tumulto, mandou trazer água, lavou as mãos diante da multidão e disse: “Estou inocente do sangue deste homem; a responsabilidade é de vocês”.
25 Todo o povo respondeu: “Que o sangue dele caia sobre nós e sobre nossos filhos!”
26 Então Pilatos soltou-lhes Barrabás, mandou açoitar Jesus e o entregou para ser crucificado.

Os Soldados Zombam de Jesus

27 Então, os soldados do governador levaram Jesus ao Pretório[c] e reuniram toda a tropa ao seu redor.
28 Tiraram-lhe as vestes e puseram nele um manto vermelho;
29 fizeram uma coroa de espinhos e a colocaram em sua cabeça. Puseram uma vara em sua mão direita e, ajoelhando-se diante dele, zombavam: “Salve, rei dos judeus!”
30 Cuspiram nele e, tirando-lhe a vara, batiam-lhe com ela na cabeça.
31 Depois de terem zombado dele, tiraram-lhe o manto e vestiram-lhe suas próprias roupas. Então o levaram para crucificá-lo.

A Crucificação

32 Ao saírem, encontraram um homem de Cirene, chamado Simão, e o forçaram a carregar a cruz.
33 Chegaram a um lugar chamado Gólgota, que quer dizer lugar da Caveira,
34 e lhe deram para beber vinho misturado com fel; mas ele, depois de prová-lo, recusou-se a beber.
35 Depois de o crucificarem, dividiram as roupas dele, tirando sortes.[d]
36 E, sentando-se, vigiavam-no ali.
37 Por cima de sua cabeça, colocaram por escrito a acusação feita contra ele: ESTE É JESUS, O REI DOS JUDEUS.
38 Dois ladrões foram crucificados com ele, um à sua direita e outro à sua esquerda.
39 Os que passavam lançavam-lhe insultos, balançando a cabeça
40 e dizendo: “Você que destrói o templo e o reedifica em três dias, salve-se! Desça da cruz se é Filho de Deus!”
41 Da mesma forma, os chefes dos sacerdotes, os mestres da lei e os líderes religiosos zombavam dele,
42 dizendo: “Salvou os outros, mas não é capaz de salvar a si mesmo! E é o rei de Israel! Desça agora da cruz, e creremos nele.
43 Ele confiou em Deus. Que Deus o salve agora se dele tem compaixão, pois disse: ‘Sou o Filho de Deus!’ ”
44 Igualmente o insultavam os ladrões que haviam sido crucificados com ele.

A Morte de Jesus

45 E houve trevas sobre toda a terra, do meio-dia às três horas da tarde.[e]
46 Por volta das três horas da tarde, Jesus bradou em alta voz: “Eloí, Eloí,[f] lamá sabactâni?”, que significa “Meu Deus! Meu Deus! Por que me abandonaste?”[g]
47 Quando alguns dos que estavam ali ouviram isso, disseram: “Ele está chamando Elias”.
48 Imediatamente, um deles correu em busca de uma esponja, embebeu-a em vinagre, colocou-a na ponta de uma vara e deu-a a Jesus para beber.
49 Mas os outros disseram: “Deixem-no. Vejamos se Elias vem salvá-lo”.
50 Depois de ter bradado novamente em alta voz, Jesus entregou o espírito.
51 Naquele momento, o véu do santuário rasgou-se em duas partes, de alto a baixo. A terra tremeu, e as rochas se partiram.
52 Os sepulcros se abriram, e os corpos de muitos santos que tinham morrido foram ressuscitados.
53 E, saindo dos sepulcros, depois da ressurreição de Jesus, entraram na cidade santa e apareceram a muitos.
54 Quando o centurião e os que com ele vigiavam Jesus viram o terremoto e tudo o que havia acontecido, ficaram aterrorizados e exclamaram: “Verdadeiramente este era o Filho[h] de Deus!”
55 Muitas mulheres estavam ali, observando de longe. Elas haviam seguido Jesus desde a Galileia, para o servir.
56 Entre elas estavam Maria Madalena; Maria, mãe de Tiago e de José; e a mãe dos filhos de Zebedeu.

O Sepultamento de Jesus

57 Ao cair da tarde chegou um homem rico, de Arimateia, chamado José, que se tornara discípulo de Jesus.
58 Dirigindo-se a Pilatos, pediu o corpo de Jesus, e Pilatos ordenou que lhe fosse entregue.
59 José tomou o corpo, envolveu-o num lençol limpo de linho
60 e o colocou num sepulcro novo, que ele havia mandado cavar na rocha. E, fazendo rolar uma grande pedra sobre a entrada do sepulcro, retirou-se.
61 Maria Madalena e a outra Maria estavam assentadas ali, em frente do sepulcro.

A Guarda do Sepulcro

62 No dia seguinte, isto é, no sábado,[i] os chefes dos sacerdotes e os fariseus dirigiram-se a Pilatos
63 e disseram: “Senhor, lembramos que, enquanto ainda estava vivo, aquele impostor disse: ‘Depois de três dias ressuscitarei’.
64 Ordena, pois, que o sepulcro dele seja guardado até o terceiro dia, para que não venham seus discípulos e, roubando o corpo, digam ao povo que ele ressuscitou dentre os mortos. Este último engano será pior do que o primeiro”.
65 “Levem um destacamento”,[j] respondeu Pilatos. “Podem ir, e mantenham o sepulcro em segurança como acharem melhor”.
66 Eles foram e armaram um esquema de segurança no sepulcro; e além de deixarem um destacamento montando guarda, lacraram a pedra.

Mateus 27 Commentary

Chapter 27

Christ delivered to Pilate, The despair of Judas. (1-10) Christ before Pilate. (11-25) Barabbas loosed, Christ mocked. (26-30) Christ led to be crucified. (31-34) He is crucified. (35-44) The death of Christ. (45-50) Events at the crucifixion. (51-56) The burial of Christ. (57-61) The sepulchre secured. (62-66)

Verses 1-10 Wicked men see little of the consequences of their crimes when they commit them, but they must answer for them all. In the fullest manner Judas acknowledged to the chief priests that he had sinned, and betrayed an innocent person. This was full testimony to the character of Christ; but the rulers were hardened. Casting down the money, Judas departed, and went and hanged himself, not being able to bear the terror of Divine wrath, and the anguish of despair. There is little doubt but that the death of Judas was before that of our blessed Lord. But was it nothing to them that they had thirsted after this blood, and hired Judas to betray it, and had condemned it to be shed unjustly? Thus do fools make a mock at sin. Thus many make light of Christ crucified. And it is a common instance of the deceitfulness of our hearts, to make light of our own sin by dwelling upon other people's sins. But the judgment of God is according to truth. Many apply this passage of the buying the piece of ground, with the money Judas brought back, to signify the favour intended by the blood of Christ to strangers, and sinners of the Gentiles. It fulfilled a prophecy, ( Zechariah 11:12 ) . Judas went far toward repentance, yet it was not to salvation. He confessed, but not to God; he did not go to him, and say, I have sinned, Father, against heaven. Let none be satisfied with such partial convictions as a man may have, and yet remain full of pride, enmity, and rebellion.

Verses 11-25 Having no malice against Jesus, Pilate urged him to clear himself, and laboured to get him discharged. The message from his wife was a warning. God has many ways of giving checks to sinners, in their sinful pursuits, and it is a great mercy to have such checks from Providence, from faithful friends, and from our own consciences. O do not this abominable thing which the Lord hates! is what we may hear said to us, when we are entering into temptation, if we will but regard it. Being overruled by the priests, the people made choice of Barabbas. Multitudes who choose the world, rather than God, for their ruler and portion, thus choose their own delusions. The Jews were so bent upon the death of Christ, that Pilate thought it would be dangerous to refuse. And this struggle shows the power of conscience even on the worst men. Yet all was so ordered to make it evident that Christ suffered for no fault of his own, but for the sins of his people. How vain for Pilate to expect to free himself from the guilt of the innocent blood of a righteous person, whom he was by his office bound to protect! The Jews' curse upon themselves has been awfully answered in the sufferings of their nation. None could bear the sin of others, except Him that had no sin of his own to answer for. And are we not all concerned? Is not Barabbas preferred to Jesus, when sinners reject salvation that they may retain their darling sins, which rob God of his glory, and murder their souls? The blood of Christ is now upon us for good, through mercy, by the Jews' rejection of it. O let us flee to it for refuge!

Verses 26-30 Crucifixion was a death used only among the Romans; it was very terrible and miserable. A cross was laid on the ground, to which the hands and feet were nailed, it was then lifted up and fixed upright, so that the weight of the body hung on the nails, till the sufferer died in agony. Christ thus answered the type of the brazen serpent raised on a pole. Christ underwent all the misery and shame here related, that he might purchase for us everlasting life, and joy, and glory.

Verses 31-34 Christ was led as a Lamb to the slaughter, as a Sacrifice to the altar. Even the mercies of the wicked are really cruel. Taking the cross from him, they compelled one Simon to bear it. Make us ready, O Lord, to bear the cross thou hast appointed us, and daily to take it up with cheerfulness, following thee. Was ever sorrow like unto his sorrow? And when we behold what manner of death he died, let us in that behold with what manner of love he loved us. As if death, so painful a death, were not enough, they added to its bitterness and terror in several ways.

Verses 35-44 It was usual to put shame upon malefactors, by a writing to notify the crime for which they suffered. So they set up one over Christ's head. This they designed for his reproach, but God so overruled it, that even his accusation was to his honour. There were crucified with him at the same time, two robbers. He was, at his death, numbered among the transgressors, that we, at our death, might be numbered among the saints. The taunts and jeers he received are here recorded. The enemies of Christ labour to make others believe that of religion and of the people of God, which they themselves know to be false. The chief priests and scribes, and the elders, upbraid Jesus with being the King of Israel. Many people could like the King of Israel well enough, if he would but come down from the cross; if they could but have his kingdom without the tribulation through which they must enter into it. But if no cross, then no Christ, no crown. Those that would reign with him, must be willing to suffer with him. Thus our Lord Jesus, having undertaken to satisfy the justice of God, did it, by submitting to the punishment of the worst of men. And in every minute particular recorded about the sufferings of Christ, we find some prediction in the Prophets or the Psalms fulfilled.

Verses 45-50 During the three hours which the darkness continued, Jesus was in agony, wrestling with the powers of darkness, and suffering his Father's displeasure against the sin of man, for which he was now making his soul an offering. Never were there three such hours since the day God created man upon the earth, never such a dark and awful scene; it was the turning point of that great affair, man's redemption and salvation. Jesus uttered a complaint from ( Psalms 22:1 ) . Hereby he teaches of what use the word of God is to direct us in prayer, and recommends the use of Scripture expressions in prayer. The believer may have tasted some drops of bitterness, but he can only form a very feeble idea of the greatness of Christ's sufferings. Yet, hence he learns something of the Saviour's love to sinners; hence he gets deeper conviction of the vileness and evil of sin, and of what he owes to Christ, who delivers him from the wrath to come. His enemies wickedly ridiculed his complaint. Many of the reproaches cast upon the word of God and the people of God, arise, as here, from gross mistakes. Christ, just before he expired, spake in his full strength, to show that his life was not forced from him, but was freely delivered into his Father's hands. He had strength to bid defiance to the powers of death: and to show that by the eternal Spirit he offered himself, being the Priest as well as the Sacrifice, he cried with a loud voice. Then he yielded up the ghost. The Son of God upon the cross, did die by the violence of the pain he was put to. His soul was separated from his body, and so his body was left really and truly dead. It was certain that Christ did die, for it was needful that he should die. He had undertaken to make himself an offering for sin, and he did it when he willingly gave up his life.

Verses 51-56 The rending of the veil signified that Christ, by his death, opened a way to God. We have an open way through Christ to the throne of grace, or mercy-seat now, and to the throne of glory hereafter. When we duly consider Christ's death, our hard and rocky hearts should be rent; the heart, and not the garments. That heart is harder than a rock that will not yield, that will not melt, where Jesus Christ is plainly set forth crucified. The graves were opened, and many bodies of saints which slept, arose. To whom they appeared, in what manner, and how they disappeared, we are not told; and we must not desire to be wise above what is written. The dreadful appearances of God in his providence, sometimes work strangely for the conviction and awakening of sinners. This was expressed in the terror that fell upon the centurion and the Roman soldiers. We may reflect with comfort on the abundant testimonies given to the character of Jesus; and, seeking to give no just cause of offence, we may leave it to the Lord to clear our characters, if we live to Him. Let us, with an eye of faith, behold Christ and him crucified, and be affected with that great love wherewith he loved us. But his friends could give no more than a look; they beheld him, but could not help him. Never were the horrid nature and effects of sin so tremendously displayed, as on that day when the beloved Son of the Father hung upon the cross, suffering for sin, the Just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God. Let us yield ourselves willingly to his service.

Verses 57-61 In the burial of Christ was nothing of pomp or solemnity. As Christ had not a house of his own, wherein to lay his head, while he lived, so he had not a grave of his own, wherein to lay his body, when he was dead. Our Lord Jesus, who had no sin of his own, had no grave of his own. The Jews designed that he should have made his grave with the wicked, should have been buried with the thieves with whom he was crucified, but God overruled it, so that he should make it with the rich in his death, ( Isaiah 53:9 ) . And although to the eye of man the beholding a funeral may cause terror, yet if we remember how Christ by his burial has changed the nature of the grave to believers, it should make us rejoice. And we are ever to imitate Christ's burial in being continually occupied in the spiritual burial of our sins.

Verses 62-66 On the Jewish sabbath, the chief priests and Pharisees, when they should have been at their devotions, were dealing with Pilate about securing the sepulchre. This was permitted that there might be certain proof of our Lord's resurrection. Pilate told them that they might secure the sepulchre as carefully as they could. They sealed the stone, and set a guard, and were satisfied that all needful care was taken. But to guard the sepulchre against the poor weak disciples was folly, because needless; while to think to guard it against the power of God, was folly, because fruitless, and to no purpose; yet they thought they dealt wisely. But the Lord took the wise in their own craftiness. Thus shall all the rage and the plans of Christ's enemies be made to promote his glory.

Footnotes 10

  • [a]. Veja Zc 11.12,13; Jr 19.1-13; 32.6-9.
  • [b]. Ou "“Sim, é como dizes”"
  • [c]. Residência oficial do governador romano.
  • [d]. Alguns manuscritos dizem "sortes, para que se cumprisse a palavra falada pelo profeta: “Dividiram as minhas roupas entre si, e tiraram sortes pelas minhas vestes” " (Sl 22.18).
  • [e]. Grego: "da hora sexta até a hora nona."
  • [f]. Alguns manuscritos dizem "“Eli, Eli,"
  • [g]. Sl 22.1
  • [h]. Ou "era filho"
  • [i]. Ou "No dia seguinte ao da Preparação,"
  • [j]. Ou "“Vocês têm um destacamento!”"

Mateus 27 Commentaries

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