Mateus 20

A Parábola dos Trabalhadores na Vinha

1 “Pois o Reino dos céus é como um proprietário que saiu de manhã cedo para contratar trabalhadores para a sua vinha.
2 Ele combinou pagar-lhes um denário[a] pelo dia e mandou-os para a sua vinha.
3 “Por volta das nove horas da manhã,[b] ele saiu e viu outros que estavam desocupados na praça,
4 e lhes disse: ‘Vão também trabalhar na vinha, e eu pagarei a vocês o que for justo’.
5 E eles foram.“Saindo outra vez, por volta do meio-dia e das três horas da tarde,[c] fez a mesma coisa.
6 Saindo por volta das cinco horas da tarde,[d] encontrou ainda outros que estavam desocupados e lhes perguntou: ‘Por que vocês estiveram aqui desocupados o dia todo?’
7 ‘Porque ninguém nos contratou’, responderam eles.“Ele lhes disse: ‘Vão vocês também trabalhar na vinha’.
8 “Ao cair da tarde, o dono da vinha disse a seu administrador: ‘Chame os trabalhadores e pague-lhes o salário, começando com os últimos contratados e terminando nos primeiros’.
9 “Vieram os trabalhadores contratados por volta das cinco horas da tarde, e cada um recebeu um denário.
10 Quando vieram os que tinham sido contratados primeiro, esperavam receber mais. Mas cada um deles também recebeu um denário.
11 Quando o receberam, começaram a se queixar do proprietário da vinha,
12 dizendo-lhe: ‘Estes homens contratados por último trabalharam apenas uma hora, e o senhor os igualou a nós, que suportamos o peso do trabalho e o calor do dia’.
13 “Mas ele respondeu a um deles: ‘Amigo, não estou sendo injusto com você. Você não concordou em trabalhar por um denário?
14 Receba o que é seu e vá. Eu quero dar ao que foi contratado por último o mesmo que dei a você.
15 Não tenho o direito de fazer o que quero com o meu dinheiro? Ou você está com inveja porque sou generoso?’
16 “Assim, os últimos serão primeiros, e os primeiros serão últimos”.[e]

Jesus Prediz Novamente sua Morte e Ressurreição

17 Enquanto estava subindo para Jerusalém, Jesus chamou em particular os doze discípulos e lhes disse:
18 “Estamos subindo para Jerusalém, e o Filho do homem será entregue aos chefes dos sacerdotes e aos mestres da lei. Eles o condenarão à morte
19 e o entregarão aos gentios[f] para que zombem dele, o açoitem e o crucifiquem. No terceiro dia ele ressuscitará!”

O Pedido de uma Mãe

20 Então, aproximou-se de Jesus a mãe dos filhos de Zebedeu com seus filhos e, prostrando-se, fez-lhe um pedido.
21 “O que você quer?”, perguntou ele.Ela respondeu: “Declara que no teu Reino estes meus dois filhos se assentarão um à tua direita e o outro à tua esquerda”.
22 Disse-lhes Jesus: “Vocês não sabem o que estão pedindo. Podem vocês beber o cálice que eu vou beber?”“Podemos”, responderam eles.
23 Jesus lhes disse: “Certamente vocês beberão do meu cálice; mas o assentar-se à minha direita ou à minha esquerda não cabe a mim conceder. Esses lugares pertencem àqueles para quem foram preparados por meu Pai”.
24 Quando os outros dez ouviram isso, ficaram indignados com os dois irmãos.
25 Jesus os chamou e disse: “Vocês sabem que os governantes das nações as dominam, e as pessoas importantes exercem poder sobre elas.
26 Não será assim entre vocês. Ao contrário, quem quiser tornar-se importante entre vocês deverá ser servo,
27 e quem quiser ser o primeiro deverá ser escravo;
28 como o Filho do homem, que não veio para ser servido, mas para servir e dar a sua vida em resgate por muitos”.

Dois Cegos Recuperam a Visão

29 Ao saírem de Jericó, uma grande multidão seguiu Jesus.
30 Dois cegos estavam sentados à beira do caminho e, quando ouviram falar que Jesus estava passando, puseram-se a gritar: “Senhor, Filho de Davi, tem misericórdia de nós!”
31 A multidão os repreendeu para que ficassem quietos, mas eles gritavam ainda mais: “Senhor, Filho de Davi, tem misericórdia de nós!”
32 Jesus, parando, chamou-os e perguntou-lhes: “O que vocês querem que eu faça?”
33 Responderam eles: “Senhor, queremos que se abram os nossos olhos”.
34 Jesus teve compaixão deles e tocou nos olhos deles. Imediatamente eles recuperaram a visão e o seguiram.

Images for Mateus 20

Mateus 20 Commentary

Chapter 20

The parable of the labourers in the vineyard. (1-16) Jesus again foretells his sufferings. (17-19) The ambition of James and John. (20-28) Jesus gives sight to two blind men near Jericho. (29-34)

Verses 1-16 The direct object of this parable seems to be, to show that though the Jews were first called into the vineyard, at length the gospel should be preached to the Gentiles, and they should be admitted to equal privileges and advantages with the Jews. The parable may also be applied more generally, and shows, 1. That God is debtor to no man. 2. That many who begin last, and promise little in religion, sometimes, by the blessing of God, arrive at a great deal of knowledge, grace, and usefulness. 3. That the recompense of reward will be given to the saints, but not according to the time of their conversion. It describes the state of the visible church, and explains the declaration that the last shall be first, and the first last, in its various references. Till we are hired into the service of God, we are standing all the day idle: a sinful state, though a state of drudgery to Satan, may be called a state of idleness. The market-place is the world, and from that we are called by the gospel. Come, come from this market-place. Work for God will not admit of trifling. A man may go idle to hell, but he that will go to heaven, must be diligent. The Roman penny was sevenpence halfpenny in our money, wages then enough for the day's support. This does not prove that the reward of our obedience to God is of works, or of debt; when we have done all, we are unprofitable servants; but it signifies that there is a reward set before us, yet let none, upon this presumption, put off repentance till they are old. Some were sent into the vineyard at the eleventh hour; but nobody had hired them before. The Gentiles came in at the eleventh hour; the gospel had not been before preached to them. Those that have had gospel offers made them at the third or sixth hour, and have refused them, will not have to say at the eleventh hour, as these had, No man has hired us. Therefore, not to discourage any, but to awaken all, be it remembered, that now is the accepted time. The riches of Divine grace are loudly murmured at, among proud Pharisees and nominal Christians. There is great proneness in us to think that we have too little, and others too much of the tokens of God's favour; and that we do too much, and others too little in the work of God. But if God gives grace to others, it is kindness to them, and no injustice to us. Carnal worldlings agree with God for their penny in this world; and choose their portion in this life. Obedient believers agree with God for their penny in the other world, and must remember they have so agreed. Didst not thou agree to take up with heaven as thy portion, thy all; wilt thou seek for happiness in the creature? God punishes none more than they deserve, and recompenses every service done for him; he therefore does no wrong to any, by showing extraordinary grace to some. See here the nature of envy. It is an evil eye, which is displeased at the good of others, and desires their hurt. It is a grief to ourselves, displeasing to God, and hurtful to our neighbours: it is a sin that has neither pleasure, profit, nor honour. Let us forego every proud claim, and seek for salvation as a free gift. Let us never envy or grudge, but rejoice and praise God for his mercy to others as well as to ourselves.

Verses 17-19 Christ is more particular here in foretelling his sufferings than before. And here, as before, he adds the mention of his resurrection and his glory, to that of his death and sufferings, to encourage his disciples, and comfort them. A believing view of our once crucified and now glorified Redeemer, is good to humble a proud, self-justifying disposition. When we consider the need of the humiliation and sufferings of the Son of God, in order to the salvation of perishing sinners, surely we must be aware of the freeness and richness of Divine grace in our salvation.

Verses 20-28 The sons of Zebedee abused what Christ said to comfort the disciples. Some cannot have comforts but they turn them to a wrong purpose. Pride is a sin that most easily besets us; it is sinful ambition to outdo others in pomp and grandeur. To put down the vanity and ambition of their request, Christ leads them to the thoughts of their sufferings. It is a bitter cup that is to be drunk of; a cup of trembling, but not the cup of the wicked. It is but a cup, it is but a draught, bitter perhaps, but soon emptied; it is a cup in the hand of a Father, Joh. 18:11 . Baptism is an ordinance by which we are joined to the Lord in covenant and communion; and so is suffering for Christ, ( Ezekiel 20:37 , Isaiah 48:10 ) . Baptism is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace; and so is suffering for Christ, for unto us it is given, ( Philippians 1:29 ) . But they knew not what Christ's cup was, nor what his baptism. Those are commonly most confident, who are least acquainted with the cross. Nothing makes more mischief among brethren, than desire of greatness. And we never find Christ's disciples quarrelling, but something of this was at the bottom of it. That man who labours most diligently, and suffers most patiently, seeking to do good to his brethren, and to promote the salvation of souls, most resembles Christ, and will be most honoured by him to all eternity. Our Lord speaks of his death in the terms applied to the sacrifices of old. It is a sacrifice for the sins of men, and is that true and substantial sacrifice, which those of the law faintly and imperfectly represented. It was a ransom for many, enough for all, working upon many; and, if for many, then the poor trembling soul may say, Why not for me?

Verses 29-34 It is good for those under the same trial, or infirmity of body or mind, to join in prayer to God for relief, that they may quicken and encourage one another. There is mercy enough in Christ for all that ask. They were earnest in prayer. They cried out as men in earnest. Cold desires beg denials. They were humble in prayer, casting themselves upon, and referring themselves cheerfully to, the Mediator's mercy. They showed faith in prayer, by the title they gave to Christ. Surely it was by the Holy Ghost that they called Jesus, Lord. They persevered in prayer. When they were in pursuit of such mercy, it was no time for timidity or hesitation: they cried earnestly. Christ encouraged them. The wants and burdens of the body we are soon sensible of, and can readily relate. Oh that we did as feelingly complain of our spiritual maladies, especially our spiritual blindness! Many are spiritually blind, yet say they see. Jesus cured these blind men; and when they had received sight, they followed him. None follow Christ blindly. He first by his grace opens men's eyes, and so draws their hearts after him. These miracles are our call to Jesus; may we hear it, and make it our daily prayer to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Footnotes 6

  • [a]. O denário era uma moeda de prata equivalente à diária de um trabalhador braçal; também nos versículos 9, 10 e 13.
  • [b]. Grego: "da hora terceira."
  • [c]. Grego: "da hora sexta e da hora nona."
  • [d]. Grego: "da décima primeira hora; " também no versículo 9.
  • [e]. Alguns manuscritos acrescentam Porque muitos são chamados, mas poucos escolhidos.
  • [f]. Isto é, os que não são judeus.

Mateus 20 Commentaries

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