Oséias 9

O Castigo de Israel

1 Não se regozije, ó Israel;não se alegre como as outras nações.Pois você se prostituiu, abandonando o seu Deus;você ama o salário da prostituiçãoem cada eira de trigo.
2 Os produtos da eira e do lagar não alimentarão o povo;o vinho novo lhes faltará.
3 Eles não permanecerão na terra do SENHOR;Efraim voltará para o Egito,e na Assíria comerá comida impura.
4 Eles não derramarão ofertas de vinho para o SENHOR,nem os seus sacrifícios lhe agradarão.Tais sacrifícios serão para eles como o pão dos pranteadores,que torna impuro quem o come.Essa comida será para eles mesmos;não entrará no templo do SENHOR.
5 O que farão vocês no dia de suas festas fixas,nos dias de festa do SENHOR?
6 Vejam! Fogem da destruição,mas o Egito os ajuntará,e Mênfis os sepultará.Os seus tesouros de prata as urtigas vão herdar;os cardos cobrirão totalmente as suas tendas.
7 Os dias de castigo vêm,os dias de punição estão chegando.Que Israel o saiba.Por serem tantos os pecados,e tão grande a hostilidade de vocês,o profeta é considerado um tolo,e o homem inspirado, um louco violento.
8 O profeta, junto ao meu Deus,é a sentinela que vigia Efraim;[a]contudo, laços o aguardam em todas as suas veredas,e a hostilidade, no templo do seu Deus.
9 Eles mergulharam na corrupção,como nos dias de Gibeá.Deus se lembrará de sua iniquidadee os castigará por seus pecados.
10 “Quando encontrei Israel,foi como encontrar uvas no deserto;quando vi os antepassados de vocês,foi como ver os primeiros frutos de uma figueira.Mas, quando eles vieram a Baal-Peor,consagraram-se àquele ídolo vergonhosoe se tornaram tão repugnantes quanto aquilo que amaram.
11 A glória de Efraim lhe fugirá como pássaro:nenhum nascimento, nenhuma gravidez, nenhuma concepção.
12 Mesmo que criem filhos,porei de luto cada um deles.Ai deles quando eu me afastar!
13 Vi Efraim,plantado num lugar agradável, como Tiro.Mas Efraim entregaráseus filhos ao matador”.
14 Ó SENHOR, que darás a eles?Dá-lhes ventres que aborteme seios ressecados.
15 “Toda a sua impiedade começou em Gilgal;de fato, ali os odiei.Por causa dos seus pecadoseu os expulsarei da minha terra.Não os amarei mais;todos os seus líderes são rebeldes.
16 Efraim está ferido,sua raiz está seca,eles não produzem frutos.Mesmo que criem filhos,eu matarei sua prole querida”.
17 Meu Deus os rejeitaráporque não lhe deram ouvidos;serão peregrinos entre as nações.

Oséias 9 Commentary

Chapter 9

The distress to come upon Israel. (1-6) The approach of the day of trouble. (7-10) Judgments on Israel. (11-17)

Verses 1-6 Israel gave rewards to their idols, in the offerings presented to them. It is common for those who are niggardly in religion, to be prodigal upon their lusts. Those are reckoned as idolaters, who love a reward in the corn-floor better than a reward in the favour of God and in eternal life. They are full of the joy of harvest, and have no disposition to mourn for sin. When we make the world, and the things of it, our idol and our portion, it is just with God to show us our folly, and correct us. None may expect to dwell in the Lord's land, who will not be subject to the Lord's laws, or be influenced by his love. When we enjoy the means of grace, we ought to consider what we shall do, if they should be taken from us. While the pleasures of communion with God are out of the reach of change, the pleasant places purchased with silver, or in which men deposit silver, are liable to be laid in ruins. No famine is so dreadful as that of the soul.

Verses 7-10 Time had been when the spiritual watchmen of Israel were with the Lord, but now they were like the snare of a fowler to entangle persons to their ruin. The people were become as corrupt as those of Gibeah, ( Judges 19 ) ; and their crimes should be visited in like manner. At first God had found Israel pleasing to Him, as grapes to the traveller in the wilderness. He saw them with pleasure as the first ripe figs. This shows the delight God took in them; yet they followed after idolatry.

11-17. God departs from a people, or from a person, when he withdraws his goodness and mercy from them; and when the Lord is departed, what can the creature do? Even though, for the present, good things seem to remain, yet the blessing is gone if God is gone. Even the children should perish with the parents. The Divine wrath dries up the root, and withers the fruit of all comforts; and the scattered Jews daily warn us to beware, lest we neglect or abuse the gospel. Yet every smiting is not a drying up of the root. It may be that God intends only to smite so that the sap may be turned to the root, that there may be more of root graces, more humility, patience, faith, and self-denial. It is very just that God should bring judgments on those who slight his offered mercy.

Footnotes 1

  • [a]. Ou "O profeta é a sentinela que vigia Efraim, o povo do meu Deus;"

Chapter Summary


This chapter is an address to Israel or the ten tribes, and contains either a new sermon, or is a very considerable part of the former upon the same subject, the sins and punishment of that people. It begins with an instruction to them, not to rejoice in their prosperity, as others did; since it would soon be at an end, because of their idolatry, which was everywhere committed, and for which they expected a reward of temporal good things, Ho 9:1; but, on the contrary, they are threatened with famine, with want both of corn and wine, Ho 9:2; and with an ejection out of their land into foreign countries; where they should be obliged to eat things unclean by their law, Ho 9:3; and where their sacrifices and solemnities should be no more attended to, Ho 9:4,5; yea, where their carcasses should fall and be buried, while their own country and houses lay waste and desolate, Ho 9:6; for, whatsoever their foolish and mad prophets said to the contrary, who pretended to be with God, and know his will, and were a snare to them that gave heed unto them, and brought hatred on them, the time of their punishment would certainly come, Ho 9:7,8; and their iniquities would be remembered and visited; seeing their corruptions were deep, like those that appeared in Gibeah, in the days of old, Ho 9:9; they acting the same ungrateful part their fathers had done, of whom they were a degenerate offspring, Ho 9:10; wherefore for these, and other offences mentioned, they are threatened with being bereaved of their children, and drove out of their land, to wander among the nations, Ho 9:11-17.

Oséias 9 Commentaries

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