2 Crônicas 34:19-21

19 Assim que o rei ouviu as palavras da Lei, rasgou suas vestes
20 e deu estas ordens a Hilquias, a Aicam, filho de Safã, a Abdom, filho de Mica,[a] ao secretário Safã e ao auxiliar real Asaías:
21 “Vão consultar o SENHOR por mim e pelo remanescente de Israel e de Judá acerca do que está escrito neste livro que foi encontrado. A ira do SENHOR contra nós deve ser grande, pois os nossos antepassados não obedeceram à palavra do SENHOR e não agiram de acordo com tudo o que está escrito neste livro”.

2 Crônicas 34:19-21 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter begins with the good reign of Josiah, the reformation he made in the land, purging it from idolatry, 2Ch 34:1-7, relates the orders he gave to repair the house of the Lord, which was accordingly done, 2Ch 34:8-13, when the book of the law was found and brought to him, which greatly affected him, 2Ch 34:12-19, upon which he deputed some persons to inquire of the Lord, who did of Huldah the prophetess, to whom she gave an answer, which they returned to the king, 2Ch 34:20-28 and the chapter is concluded with an account of reading the book in the ears of all the people, and of the king, and then making a covenant with the Lord to serve him, 2Ch 34:27-33.

Of these two verses, \\see Gill on "2Ki 22:1"\\, \\see Gill on "2Ki 22:2"\\. 19893-950128-2136-2Ch34.2

Footnotes 1

  • [a]. Também chamado "Acbor, filho de Micaías."
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