Isaiah 28:23-29

Plowing and threshing

23 Listen and hear my voice; pay attention and hear my word:
24 Does the plowman plow without stopping for planting, opening and harrowing their ground?
25 When he has smoothed its surface, doesn't he scatter fennel, and sow cumin, and plant wheat and barley in their places, and spelt as a border?
26 They are properly ordered; their God directs them.
27 Fennel isn't threshed with a threshing sledge, nor is a cart wheel rolled over cumin, but fennel is beaten with a staff, and cumin with a rod.
28 Bread grain is crushed, but the thresher doesn't thresh it forever. He drives the cart wheel over it; he spreads it out but doesn't crush it.
29 This also comes from the LORD of heavenly forces, who gives wondrous counsel and increases wisdom.

Isaiah 28:23-29 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter the ten tribes of Israel and the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin, are threatened with divine judgments, because of their sins and iniquities mentioned. The ten tribes, under the name of Ephraim, for their pride and drunkenness, Isa 28:1 the means of their destruction, the Assyrian monarch, compared to a hail storm, and a flood of mighty waters, Isa 28:2 which destruction, for their sins, is repeated, and represented as sudden and swift; when they would be like a fading flower and hasty fruit, Isa 28:3,4 and then, as for the two tribes, though they had a glorious prince at the head of them, who had a spirit of wisdom and judgment for government, and of valour and courage for war, Isa 28:5,6 yet the generality of the people, led on by the example of priest and prophet, went into the same sensual gratifications as they of the ten tribes did, Isa 28:7,8 and became sottish and unteachable, and were like children just taken from the breast, and to be used as such, Isa 28:9-11 and though the doctrine proposed to be taught them was such as, if received, would be of the greatest advantage to them, for their comfort and refreshment, yet it was refused by them with the utmost contempt; which was to be their ruin, Isa 28:12,13, wherefore the rulers of Jerusalem are threatened with the judgments of God, which should come upon them night and day, the report of which would be a vexation to them; and from which they should not be screened by their covenant with death and hell, or by their shelters and coverings with lies and falsehood, in which they placed their confidence, Isa 28:14,15 Isa 28:17-22 in the midst of which account, for the comfort of the Lord's people, stands a glorious prophecy, concerning the sure foundation laid in Zion, on which all that are built are safe and happy, Isa 28:16 and the certainty of these judgments is illustrated by the method which the ploughman takes in sowing his corn, and threshing it out; for which he has instruction and direction from the Lord of hosts, Isa 28:23-29.

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