
Recently it was announced that Mt. Everest, the world's tallest mountain, is actually seven feet taller than was formerly thought. When you think that the mountain is more than 29,000 feet above sea level, the fact that it is seven feet higher is not very impressive.

Mount Calvary, on the other hand has always been higher than we thought. That is not the case literally. Visitors to the Bible Lands are often disappointed at Calvary. After songs like A Green Hill Far Away and I Believe in a Hill Called Mt. Calvary, they expect to see a mountain. But it is no mountain. Two possible sites are pointed out to the visitor. If you favor the one at the Tomb of Holy Sepulchre it is not a hill at all. What elevation was once there was leveled by the Romans. If you choose the alternate site, Gordon's Calvary (near the Garden Tomb) the elevation is equally unimpressive. But when you consider how tall Calvary stands in our theology, how it towers above all other philosophies and faiths, then it has always been taller than we thought.