
Duty of Parents

Conveying Christian Values

1. Acknowledge that your child is a gift from God (Ps. 127:3).
2. Dedicate your child to the Lord to be used in his service (1 Sam. 1:11)
3. Make a personal commitment to God to grow as a Christian parent.
4. Identify your values and convey these values consistently in your behavior.
5. Express to your children love and acceptance.
6. View discipline as an ongoing process of helping your children ultimately to become self-controlled and self-disciplined.
7. Pray daily for each member of your family.
8. Maintain family worship and Bible study in your home.
9. Involve all family members in church activities.
10. Participate in events your church will offer to help you grow as a Christian parent.

"Be imitators of God as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loves us."