Discouragement & Encouragement

Discouragement & Encouragement
In Remember All the Way, William C. Townsend related the story of an evangelist who was facing discouragement and criticism. One day he said to a colleague:

"Don Guillermo, I'm going to quit." Guillermo replied, "Why do you give your resignation to me? When you began your service, you said the Lord Jesus Christ was calling you to tell others about Him. I think you'd better present your resignation to the One who called you. Let's get down on our knees here, and you tell Him that you are going to quit. Let Him hear what you've just told me - that it's too hard, that too many people criticize you. Tell the Lord - He's the one who sent you." "Well, I hesitate to do that," he replied. "I'm afraid He'll tell me to stay with the job." "If that's what He wants, don't you think you'd better stay?" "Yes, I think I should!"

Taking new courage and refusing to look back, the evangelist went on to 'plow a straight furrow for God.'