

Congressman and former Olympic great Jim Ryun (along with sons, Ned and Drew) has written a book entitled, Heroes Among Us. Among the fascinating character sketches is the story of C.T. Studd. Studd lived about the turn of the 20th century. He was considered a great professional cricketer and was going to inherit a large fortune. He gave up a professional sports career and gave away most of his inheritance. He gave his life to mission work in China and Africa. His health suffered, but not his commitment to bring people to Christ.

He lived out the line from his own poem, "Some want to live with in the sound of church or chapel bell. I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell." When he died in July of 1931, his last word was, "Hallelujah." Studd never regretting running the rescue shop.

-Michael Shannon, Preaching March/April 2003