Respect of Persons

Respect of Persons
In the late 1800's, St. Paul's School in London was considered quite prestigious. Even so, a mother, thinking of entering her son, wrote to Frederick Walker, the high Master, wondering about the social standing of the boys he'd be with. Walker replied, "Madam, so long as your son behaves himself and the fees are paid, no question will be asked about his social standing." He'd deliberately turned her question completely around.

When we think of respect of persons, we generally think of our own attitudes toward others. Sometimes we need to consider what their attitude toward us might be! The apostle Peter learned that there is no respect of persons with God (Acts 10:34). If we would be godly we must not judge people by their color, culture, country, nor by their economic status, their gender, their level of education, or their social standing.

The apostles, and most of the early Christians were humble folk (I Corinthians 1:26-29). Of course, there were exceptions. Leading citizens of Athens became Christians. Eventually there were Christians in Caesar's household. Christianity broke the barriers that separated people and made them one in Christ. We must be certain that our attitude toward all people reflects the attitude of God. We must be humble enough to accept any person made in God's image, just as we expect them to accept us.