
John G. Paton, a missionary to the South Sea Islands, often lived in danger as he worked among the hostile aborigines who had never heard the Gospel. Three witch doctors claimed that they would kill Paton. To carry out their threat, they said they needed some food he had partially eaten. He took a bite out of three plums and then gave them to the men who were plotting his death. On Sunday, the missionary entered the village with a smile on his face and a spring in his step. The people looked at each other in amazement, thinking it couldn't possibly be Paton. Their "sacred men" admitted that they had tried by all their incantations to kill him. When asked why they had failed, they replied that the missionary was a sacred man like themselves, but that his God was stronger than theirs.

God honors those who are willing to take risks in His name. Missionaries are excellent examples of people who take chances, and who get involved. But being a missionary is not the only way to take a risk. In everyday life there are opportunities to reach out beyond your comfort zone. You could show kindness to a grumpy neighbor, stay after church to pray with a person who is hurting. God will always call you out of your comfort zone. Do you hear Him?

 - Turning Point Daily Devotional, 7/29/03