
Separation from God

I live in a small, rural community. There are lots of cattle ranches around here and every once in awhile a cow wonders off and gets lost. It's a big deal because if you happen to hit (as in "drive into") a lost cow, it's your fault and you have to pay the rancher for his cow. (That is part of the rural culture - we have to worry about nuclear destruction and runaway cows." Ask a rancher how a cow gets lost, and chances are he will reply, "Well, the cow starts nibbling on a tuft of green grass, and when it finishes, it looks ahead to the next tuft of green grass, and when it finishes, it looks to ahead to the next tuft of green grass and starts nibbling on that one, and then it nibbles on a tuft of grass right next to a hole in the fence. It then sees another tuft of green grass on the other side of the fence, so it nibbles on that one and then goes on to the next tuft. The next thing you know, the cow has nibbled itself into being lost."

-The Wittenberg Door